Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

why did they remove the rework to placed explosions?
the main goal for mages is to be a zoner, so if you can deny area using placed explosions that would be great.
This would be really useful for cloud and puddle magics like poison, ash, acid, and water, because you can lay down many hazards and then use spells to enlarge the hazard or activate the water puddles.
I don’t remember exactly how the rework was written out, but they mentioned that you place the magic circles in an order and then when you are done placing they will explode in that order.

what does naturalised average mean?

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It’s just all the standardized numbers averaged
Should’ve written standarized

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this somehow feels worse but i’ll take it
no damage nerf :muscle:

@Fluect does this look closer to what y’all found with your analysis of pure stats

Nah the .025 dmg pretty strong
Better than dmg and speed nerf

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@Borg you win


My soaked that gains no advantage from that.
Actually just doesn’t benefit any of the non dot statuses


i think it was mainly for dot statuses

Poison poison dagger users doing 300% dmg
Water water user getting extra soaked

Only weapon I see benefitting from that is poison tooth dagger

Wait, what if you used glass conjurer or metal conjurer?
Wouldn’t that apply two bleeding stacks?

it would

Yes. So they get 50%

Okay that’s awesome

This is the worst ending for non dot magic users

Ptd doing a casual 600 dmg over 15 seconds

Fr and I want my conjurer to use water

This can be buffed by intensity too

50% extra dmg from bleed conjurer meta when?