Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Removed for now, will come back later since we needed to cull some changes.

Because if I go Plasma-Thermo or Acid-PDagger I have an objective advantage compared to Fire-Thermo or Poison-PDagger if it’s just doubling the duration. DoT stacking already exists just not for dupes.

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What speed is iron leg


Why do metal and wood have dot if they have so much dmg.

Wood should never have gotten DoT at all, (unless it was something applied via a Splintered status effect). Metal because it’s slow.

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But than earth is just metal with a bit more size and speed. But without that bleed.

what speed is every fighting style?

it’s never mentioned the actual stats in game

Without the bleed but with the base damage.

Same base dmg doe

Exactly my thoughts as well…

Despite the double stacking DoTs now, Will glass still get the 10% buff that was discussed a while ago?
Since glass would still not be as good as acid or other DoT magics.

Well Thermo is 40% faster at max, iron leg is 25% slower, boxing is 20% faster.

so uh 1.4, 0.75 and 1.2?

ngl I kinda wish we could see all the stats of fighting styles, at least on a doc since as good of a guess as we have on how good a fighting style is noone apart from testers actually know for real apart from what the balance doc says


In case of any federal investigation Iron Leg speed is on Trello, Boxing speed had to be posted on doc and Thermo speed can be directly measured ingame, so no leaks.

oh yeah I said this once but

can you make the focus technique for thermo and sailors not factor in the boosts that heat/seawater give.

it’s kinda weird that I have to build max heat to get the most out of focus

what about sailor’s fist and cannon fist?

You know what I think would be nice?
If there was some sort of like… public testing place that’s just a big baseplate or something. So that people could test out the balance changes before they go live in the real game. I can’t imagine the testers can find everything… and with how long balance patches seem to take it’d be nice if we could get it right in one go.

you do realize none of the balance changes have been added to TU yet

Yeah. Just throwing something out there. I found vetex’s “Create a Magic” again the other day and was nostalgic

IMO, these highlighted magics, when sorted by their averaged, weighted, standardized stats, should not be anywhere except at the bottom when not dot isn’t included. (How did earth never receive a stat nerf? Water did when it was this statistically stronger.)