Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Is it just me, or are Claws’ M1s way too rapid? Those things hit so many times in just a few seconds, it shreds through health bars.

you’ve never tried swift daggers

its indeed weird how quick they are compared to every other melee

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I kinda wish explosion couldn’t get changed, but some things have to be done


@ThatOneGuy commence the seance.

If metal, wood (and earth) have such high impact why is the DoT applying threshold at 5%

isnt earth’s threshold like 30%

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Explosion is hands down the easiest magic to use in the game. Absolutely absurd size with no tangible downside, having average damage and speed. For Earth to possess the same size, it is left with a staggeringly slow 0.6x speed, which is 0.35x slower than Explosion in its current state, in exchange for its higher damage. This is not a fair tradeoff, especially post-patch as slow-heavy magics won’t be benefitting from having the strongest Pulsars anymore.

Explosion’s role as the easiest-to-operate AoE magic will remain intact after the patch. There’s no reason to whine and say it’s going to be obsolete when that pretty clearly is not the case. This change balances it out pretty well.

That’s why I had it in brackets. It shares the high impact but is the only exception

What about something like reduced dot dmg the more dots are applied. Gouged alraedy has 35% instead of 50%. What if the dot dmg was reduced like this

Number of DOTS DOT dmg multiplier
0 1
1 1
2 0.75
3 0.625
4+ 0.5625

Would help balance out some of the dot stacking.

Yeah, both in hybrid and mage builds, acid is just better.

Was taking a better look and comparing both. Acid has much better synergies and higher overall damage. The only thing Glass is better is size, and only marginally (0.1x bigger than acid).

Whether or not DoT stacking should have a reduced effect is kind of in question. It could happen
but I feel like that question needs more discussion.

I’m sort of leaning towards doing it now but not really for the same reasons you probably think, I just think that because size buffs aren’t really a tradeoff (i.e. there are no magics that LOSE size), imbuements are sort of an inherent benefit and there should probably be some downside to that (since nobody really seems to want to make it a direct tradeoff).

I think in an ideal world where every imbuement was a 100% tradeoff the DoT stacking would be fine because you’re essentially just making the weapon’s properties identical to the magic’s. Acid makes the weapon worse but gives weapons Corroding (rather than right now only making the damage slightly worse and giving it Corroding).

As for why it’s different from synergies, synergies aren’t really a “base” property of the magic, so having them at full effectiveness just completely throws off the damage balance between the magics. As I’ve just said though, it might have to be nerfed anyways so that it isn’t broken.

When is the new rapier and paralyze medusa shield getting added

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Explosion New planned changes
I would rather have the:
speed 0.95 > 0.85
dmg 0.925 > 0.9
than having it lose nearly 0.15 speed,
speed 0.95>0.8.
seems excessive losing that much speed in a single patch.

Damage/Size Calculation Formula Change
Under the planned formula :
In which the Damage/size modifiers will be changed from multiplicative to Addative, The stats from Armor/Accessories should not be addative As it would heavily nerf the stat as whole.
It should isntead be: Magic Affinity x (Shape + Aura) x Attack Size. If it was addative it would simply make the enchant even worse compared to power/defence Stat. And make it a worse choice for an enchant making power/defence more prelevant than it already is.

If ultimate art is going to be nerfed, please consider size scaling stat should remain as multiplicative. Attack size, would remain and become behine attack speed for a very long time if this is not multiplicative. Because Speed currently is still multiplicative (iirc), making it addative would heavily nerf it, and not see much of a future use since it also doesn’t scale linearly.

Imo, Dmg Should be weightedless maybe 1.7x (Because power scaled linearly), size should be weighted the same, Speed should be weighted much more, Since its going to be buffed as it will change explosion start/end lag. 1.25x?

how much do you guys think this’ll help against metal mages and etc.

10% isnt much, at most it would remove 20-30 damage

berserker’s getting it too, so that’s pretty sad

nah all pure builds need that
fighting any gimmick berserker is not fun