Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

While being faster than sand and having a stun

Poison is 6.6 percent per sec and b ur n is 7, scorched is 9. Realistically the poison is better for consistency and prolonged dot.

Sounds like itā€™ll get nerfed ngl

Many impact magics still beat out plasma and fire

Youā€™re still not accounting for duration though, it being being a better dot means nothing whenever youā€™re not getting all your dmg from dot every hit.

Poison dot is better than burn, plain and simple. Much harder to clear and if you even miss 2 seconds of dot of burn in the time of poison, it becomes worse than poison.

Refreshing dot also isnā€™t in this update so realistically poison will just be better.

Man is a broken record.

Poison dot is better than other dots, it is meant to be.

This does not mean poison is over twice as good as burn or scorched as your weighting would assume

Itā€™s including size weighted at 1.5, speed at 1 and dmg at 2. Not solely dmg

isnā€™t the highest size 1.3

Iā€™m saying you not accounting for duration is fucking up your results, this is not rocket science.

Yes. Iā€™m saying when I weighted them size was weighted as more valuable than speed but less than dmg

Itā€™s a weight, it means he believes size is 50% better to have than speed and dmg is twice as good as speed in affinities

His weights donā€™t account for a lot of things and therefore are not a reliable metric

o, i see

What do you expect me to do to account for duration?

Give dot dps a positive weighting, duration a negative weight, clashes a positive weighting, greatest synergy a positive weighting, clears a positive weighting, etc if thereā€™s more unmentioned factors.

The values would be difficult to weight accurately though

Duration is not a pure negative, just being able to hit poison and not need to worry about the person healing for 15 seconds is a strong positive. Itā€™s quite easy to not have burn or plasma dot ticking for 15 seconds though.

A 15s duration dot is not a negative over a 5 or 3 second dot is when itā€™s not guaranteed your going to be hitting someone every 3 or 5 seconds right when the dot ends

Duration is a negative, dps and overall damage is the positive. Poison dot would still be considered much better than other statuses under this but by realistic numbers.

weapons should lose all clashes against solid magics but win all clashes against non solid magics