Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

you either have not fought the right people or havent fought in clan wars

weps: Guns, Staff + great sword.
Fighting styles : Thermo fist, Simply fly into the air and just keep ranging it.
Other magics: Win by blast spamming and magic leap spam. from distance.
Only way to lose to metal/magma magics is if they gank/rat attack you (which is instantly death).
Most of these players are glass cannons with 968hp, which really only need 4-5 hits, Simply
have a tank build (which is meta rn).

far ranged weapons wont help if u cant see where they are
you cant range things that cover half the map
you cant blast spam (magma and metal outclash everything)
yea you really arent fighting the right people if you think they are all pure power

Now that I look at it
magma to mage in arcane odyssey seems weirdly similar to what the scorch shot is to the pyro in team fortress 2
They both do too much and are seen as a “when in doubt, use this” choice, or even as a “why are you not using this? look at how good it is!” choice

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Ok so 1: dots are situational because every dot besides burn and poison deal the same damage a second just for varying amount of time.
2: it only has 1.2 size while there’s magics with 1.3 size.
3: setting grass on fire doesnt deal damage as far as ive tested.
4: all its damage interactions are heat based meaning you can make the same argument for water and ice/snow

Magma is a great mage magic but theres better options due to its slow speed. When you slap it onto conjurer you realize how inconsistent magma is. Its better off not imbuing because it just slows you down with none of the benefits that makes the magic good.

bro said only. Only earth and explosion have 1.3. Ash has 1.25. 1.2 is shared with metal, wind, water and wood0

Just wrong. There’s synergies with acid, poison, crystal, any bleed magic that’s not wood

You are a magic/weapon hybrid and still have blasts, beams and instant explosions. That argument applies to every slow magic. Let’s not forget glass conjurer that does nothing positive if the weapon already has a bleed. Atk speed stat exists though bugged on weapons?

No? For next update, DPS for dots is %
Scorch (9) > burn (7) > poison (6.66) > bleed, melt, corrode (5)

Next update they will also all be based on the dmg of metal instead of impact, meaning a 2 dmg poison hit will still do around 200 in dot. Dot dmg wills also scale with intensity.
Due to the fact people will most likely either never clear the status or take atleast 2 ticks before they realize, you will almost always get 5-10% bonus metal dmg.

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I really hate the fact that attack distance will scale off agility instead of attack speed.

Ways to make agility more useful instead of gutting attack speed:

  • Agility will now increase your max stamina
  • With the addition of “Exhaustion”, have the effect of exhaustion scaled with agility. The more agility, the less exhaustion will affect you.

This makes agility way more useful instead of making attack speed completely useless.

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Attack speed is being fixed to actually make stuff faster, the speed will prob still be worth it after it’s fixed and lowers endlag

Y’all really gotta give plasma and maybe fire something, they shouldn’t be this low with dot dmg taken into account at full dmg.
This is with the metal dot dmg scaling removed btw.

Plasma is last without dot but that part makes sense.


How is wind higher than fire with the metal DoT?

And can somebody explain the new DoT system to me with the calculations more clearly because I can’t quite understand it fully.

The metal dot is removed. They took it off the doc. It works like it currently does now

Hold on, so metal no longer does free damage via bleeding.

IMO dot magics should always be last without dot and always first with dot

It does, I mean dots don’t scale all of metals dmg like it was gonna be

Metal, earth, and wood completely break this rule

i don’t get why people are so inclined to pick metal with its measly ass bleed meanwhile earth with better size and speed is RIGHT there
the metal DoT isn’t even applied the best way, they’re using pulsar/multiexplosions, so their DoT is doing less damage than it could be
why am i describing how to properly metamance

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This would be a great idea if agility wasn’t also on Calvus armor. Power, size and now you’re out ranged

Delete Calvus armors agility please