Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Ya cause if you have bad size your only good if your other thing has good size.

attack speed is not getting gutted, it simply does not affect crash / spiraling fury / etc distance anymore which it really shouldn’t have in the first place as that doesn’t relate to attack speed at all

giving agility more use cases is entirely welcome, elius set exists :+1:

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Magics without dot counted ^

Plasma still being lower than poison is kinda an L

Yeah plasma sucks, sad reality for it.

Making me want to run an earth file/a shadow file now.

You should increase weightage for speed, since speed will get buffed to be more prelevant in end/start lag. Decrease weightage for dmg, since a magic’s dmg isn’t that important when most dmg come from stats.

We will see. Might lower size weight to be same as speed instead

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Affinity is becoming more important than ever cause other multipliers are adding together first

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oh ok cool

F for berserkers though

Not for dmg, THe attack stat is not changed. Still a linear thing. Dmg shouldn’t get 2.0 weightage maybe 1.7, Size should stay the same, And speed should be same as size. Cause speed will be more prelevant and attack speed actually fixed.

Yeah man, I’ll make sure to make distance on my Strength builds. I’ll still be getting hit by Destruction Aura-boosted Ultimate Art Hammer Shape placed Explosions that deal 250-300 damage excluding their status, and I’ll never be able to approach for damage thanks to hazards, Pulsar, and self-Explosions, but it’ll all be fine as long as I make distance.

I’m sure that slowly dying while not being able to engage at all because I have to “get distance” will work out for me, since I clearly don’t have “any real Pvp” by insinuating that Magma is unfair.

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Will anyone use elius set tho? Calvus gear will have 5 less agility (in new update) and 13 size. Unless they want to max agility, Calvus is just an upgrade because of the same stats + size at the cost of some agility.

Currently has 16 agility and size while elius has 18

Dot on bottom impact only on top

idk, not saying its not broken. But its not that difficult, Simply use thermofist, spam into the air and then chip their hp away using shot. Especially thermofist light warlock going into space.

Plasma shall always be bottom tier

How is crystal lower than plasma?

That’s the dot one. Slightly higher dmg with all dot

Even with making speed and size weight the same 1.5. Earth high

Earth stats are actually kinda insane, higher than pre nerf water and didn’t get nerfed

Size power defense hybrid jumpscare

I use that as well, Accept for 200 more defence. same power. They’ll still use glass cannon for the 133power,

first off, if you’re in range for a 20% shot you are certainly in range to get hit by a placed explosion which takes no aim and does 1.5x - 2x as much damage as a 20% shot would

second, you’re saying this only applies to fast imbues who can crash into outer space? what do the rest of us do?

the only way you’re beating an AoE mage as a typical strength build w 20% shots is if they’re dogshit to the point where the skill gap is staggeringly massive, the amount of effort vs reward is completely out of proportion. if the mage is anywhere near competent, you will lose

as a glass cannon thermo lock I have 968 hp (I die in two ultimate art placed explosions or 5 pulsar ticks), while your typical AoE magma / metal mage with resistance mode active is going to have around 1900-2100 (10-11 20% shots)

once again, it’s not happening if the mage has anything even vaguely resembling a brain

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