Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

They added incentivization to go higher dps dots (higher caps) if you want to account for that

The bottom line is .5 is way too low
In a laggy server, you will outright not be able to charge thermo to full meter
Average ms in the game is ~120, thermofist would require almost a total recode because of the clientside ping issue in relation to the meter.

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you can charge thermo in a 200 ping server and be fine. yes you’ll be able to charge faster in lower ping, but .5 should give enough breathing room to input

200 MS is almost half of the suggested new grace period
Currently you’re able to, but unless thermofist is totally overhauled then there is no chance that thermofist will be viable should the grace period be lowered to .5.

You have 300 MS out of the original 500 to follow up
Ping effects endlag
Do you not see the problem?

  • ping does not affect endlag. it affects the delay on when the input gets registered
  • if you don’t attack immediately there should be consequences. thermo is by design intended to be aggressive for reward
  • grace period give too much leniency to attacks. even if you’re at 200 ping (the absolute maximum before i disregard ping in any scenario), you still can move around before an attack is registered. it wont be that bad.
  • if you don’t think thermo will be viable because you dont get heat for just playing the game, please play another fighting style
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Honestly the bigger issue I see with the 0.5s grace period is that it locks thermo into basically one playstyle, that being “press button ALWAYS”. If you’re constantly using attacks, you won’t have time to block attacks or get better positioning with dashes/high jumps, because if you stop to do that, your fighting style is getting nerfed. Sure, going off of Fluects numbers, you won’t be losing that much heat at a time, but the fact this playstyle promotes itself as the most optimal way to play a 0.5s grace period thermo doesn’t bode well for its fundamental design.

hey dipshit, USE AGILITY for once, agility is genuinely the most funny stat in the game

the most funny part is when the only way to actually hit me is with a broken self explosion pillar

that’s just stinky, because like the whole point of the change is to make it so that you don’t have better mobility than a max agility user just because you have hitscan attacks

This is a nerf, I’d rather have AOE than speed.

Seriously why are you removing warriors AOE, just lower is to 20% and issue is solved, WE DONT WANT SPEED.

Yes we do this man does not speak for warriors

But ya it’s not a buff

AOE being completely shitted on was not what any warrior would have wanted, lowering it to 20% would have been fair, as any lower makes it completely meaningless as a stat

ao players when their AOE is nerfed by 0.032% (they don’t know what the word aiming is):

I prefer to be rewarded for aim


10% is still a nice number tho

It’s almost like a dagger should be able to destroy the entire island of whitesummit, guys. a THROWN dagger, mind you.

stop whining and just go play mage if you can’t aim man

And even then, mage is getting their AoEs gutted as well.
I’m going to try and get more spare calvus sets while mage is broken so i won’t have to fight him with nerfed mage.

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nerfed =/= gutted, mage is still going to be S tier, just going to take a bit of brain to use