Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

makes sense. Mage requiring skill is better than almost any mage being able to win against the most skilled berserkers in the game almost effortlessly.

i kind of doubt the “take a brain to use” part tbh, i have drill (because i wanted to force myself to aim) on my sand alt and i’m still given a hit when i close miss
sure, it’s close, but it’s not a hit
the thing with size is that everyone thinks they need as much of it as possible, when in reality they only need about half (maybe a quarter) of what they usually run in order for their aim to not be an obstacle

i’ll start using my magma mage again when 1.12 drops and not much is gonna change aside from “pulsar is a bit less of a win button now”, because there’ll still be enough size from the calvus stuff alone (probably gonna take shark off of blast though, i REALLY like using drill now) for me to be able to aim in someone’s general area and get a bunch of damage

and then there’s hand which makes the blast itself super goddamn wide, meaning aiming at people in the air is even easier

Its not just Pulsar Less, End/start lag will be affected, moreso if you have a slow magic (becomes like 50% longer to cast. Explosions takes longer as well to cast as well. Fast magics will now be slightly better cause their cast will be faster. AOE size calculation also got nerfed heavily.

also i’ve seen this talked about before but is using an alt account for other saves actually allowed or does vetex want people to pay up the 600 robux

my sand alt’s fate lies in the answer

why wouldnt it be

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because the existence of a 600 robux gamepass implies that vetex doesn’t want people to have an extra three for free

i’ll probably buy the gamepass once 1.12’s out though, i have some other gamepasses and i like the game a lot

FINE, maybe i WILL
in like
200 years

the 600 robux gamepass gives u 3 extra slots on that account meaning u have 3 more slots for your already bought gamepasses/donator titles to apply on
also its a lot easier having everything on one account instead of going to ur alts

my alt was my WoM bank account and then i deleted it in AO, remade it but with orange-ish hair to match the canyon sand, decided “well, my friend’s gonna play the game for the first time, why not play with him to guide him through?” and then i accidentally made my favorite build on my goddamn alt

so i can see how it’s a lot easier to have it all on one account

My issue is that Warrior is getting gutted, the AOE should be lowered to 20% which is fair, instead of being gutted, its going to make mages a pain to deal with as a warrior, ALSO WHEN ARE WE GETTING WEAPON ULTIMATES???

players realizing they’ll have to aim after a balance update is really entertaining


3 tp moves that should have shared cooldown from the start:

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It’s not tho bruh, wtf are you on about, warrior is easily the second best build in the game rn due to its extreme aoe
This is also genuinely a net buff, increased attack speed (once it’s fixed with this patch) and passives such as gouged and sharp weapons and bruised open up a ton of opportunities for synergies such as ptd + bleed, ss + bleed and bruised for extra damage

Have you considered aiming?
Oh wait…

Whenever we get into the level range??? We don’t even have enough stat points for the ult art so you wouldn’t even be able to use them even if they were added

tldr; try aiming, this is a net buff for warriors and it will likely stay a dominant class after this note


Who tf uses max agility

hey, i was thinking that maybe thermo could deal maximum damage at like, 95% bar instead of 100% just as a little bit of extra leeway so you can do one high jump or something. i dont think this would make it extremely easy to use since you still need to constantly press buttons to get to that threshold. It just makes it so that you can actually get maximum damage on your first hit or makes it so players with a bit more lag can still get maximum damage.

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just a LITTLE bit faster…?

practice fighting people with guns and a dagger

Your dmg is calculated by what your heat will be after the move

fuckin buff plasma im tired of it being bottom tier

oh fr? awesome