Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I don’t mind if plasma gets something if it’s heat brother does. Fire is getting size while plasma gets worse than glass treatment. Could be size or speed or 0.825 damage, preferably all

Give me balance curse

honestly I just want fire to get something that makes it stand out, it’s literally just like savant: it’s OKAY but why are you going for it when there’s something better?

If not speed why not size or something? Damage works too.

the thing that fire gets is that it’s fire

THE #1 most iconic magic


NUMBER ONE. water is the counter to fire but it is not as iconic

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They are both kinda lacking. I get they have higher dps but magma and acid just have better stats

Acid magma have better impact and better total dot. .875 impact and .9 impact respectively. It’s quite strange. I don’t think a slightly higher dps makes up for a .5 and .75 impact difference

Balancing isn’t based on something being iconic though, also lightning is prob more iconic considering that’s vets magic and was the most picked in aa and wom


also its not a serious balance comment

Even if fire and plasma have total dmg higher than 1.0 with the DoT, the higher impact magics like acid magma metal earth wood have DoTs too at the cost of speed. Higher damage (results in higher DoT), higher size but lower speed. But on the other hand plasma, glass and fire just have average stats for being the faster DoTs.

Plasma can be faster to be up with the shadow and wind (the true jack of all trades, not fire). If not it needs slight damage/size buff because with the DoT…1.016 is just a scratch above 1.0 magics without their bleeds, and still worse than acid and magma

Fire is in a balanced spot and the size buff is a good help. 1.0 speed is ok and total damage is slightly above 1.

They don’t even need heavy buffs just more to lean into their strengths to be usable

Dmg weighted 2, dot weighted 1.5, size and speed 1.25. Current balance doc changes.

Acid has 1.0 speed and magma has .6.Not a huge loss for that increased dmg. Acids lack of size keeps its trade offs balanced though. Magmas trade offs however are much more of a positive than a negative, I’d argue it’s fine though with the current changes. Fire might not need a huge buff, but plasma is hugely lacking in dmg and size.

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It’s getting nerfed and that’s a w, I’ve been maining warrior for a bit and it’s just mage with less damage tbh

Tbh it’s not even that much of a nerf, and you’re getting many more damage options as a benefit

Warrior damage is fast and fucking insane already I look forward to seeing how much damage ptd does now

Above 1.0 on here is a good tradeoff in stats
Below 1.0 is a bad tradeoff in stats

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Whenever I come back to this post I cannot help but feel like these buffs are way too minimal to justify a .5 second grace period.

If it’s “popping off” why are you consistently dealing less damage up close as the rush down role than almost any conjurer warrior or warlord. Maybe you could justify removing knockback from all skills / M1’s at max heat if this change occurred?

Issue with magma conjurer is that its blast is really slow (easy to dodge and it will stay like this till we get shapes). Also due to the -40% speed nerf the beam has no range and is unusable.
Also next update endlag will also be affected by imbuement so wed be looking at 20% more startup 20% more endlag 20% less range and 20% slower projectiles just for a dot that lasts 2x longer a 10% damage buff (every 3 seconds) and a 20% aoe boost. Speed is arguably the most favored stat when it comes to ao due to how much scales off of it when damage and size are super easy to get (especially when damage and size are available on the best offensive armor and size on the best defensive armor). The speed might be better once its fixed but my standpoint is based on what we have in game right now.

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It sounds more like a slow magic conjurer problem than a magma problem tbh. Atk speed and other amulets will also be buffed next update so it might help in addition to the atk speed bug fix. If that also fails, there’s always playing with no imbuement and the stat/awakening reset


Well atk speed would actually function next update for weapons. Slow conjurers are kinda bad rn, because people like to use the slow weapons for more damage and only affinity and enchant changes speed since atk speed is bugged