Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

All the conjurers I ever see use their weapon 90% of the time since their magic tiers are ass and usually deal less dmg than their weapons if they are using slow weapons.

The dot also self synergizes with magma adding an extra 5% dmg. Magmas .9 makes it 1.0 on weapons which means same dmg as unimbued however, it synergizes with bleed at half effectiveness for 10% and self synergizes with melting for 5%. Also 20% aoe is a pretty good buff, more dmg and more size are usually better than speed. Additionally once speed equipment is fixed you will be able to negate the main negative of magma, or you could realize that you don’t have to enchant your weapons with power and instead use speed, or realize weapons have different speeds and just use rapiers instead of great swords and daggers instead of katanas or dual swords.

Also sunken sword would give you free petrify which magma synergizes with so it becomes just a better ice or snow conjurer.

Also dash moves are gonna scale with agility instead of speed so stuff like tp dashes and dash moves will be less one sided towards speed magics

Stamina drain underwater might be halved when underwater structures come out(check trello patch notes)

That was made pre that change, I’d say the movement, aiming, and stuff not being usable underwater parts still stand.
Crystal mage 1009 dmg


I think you can beat this

it’s only breath for now

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Bro didn’t even use bleeding.

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still genuinely concerned about this btw, i’ll use proper grammar to make it more noticeable

I remember hearing that there’ll need to be something done about size so that you can’t nuke Rasna, Rubica, and Tiberia with one attack.
That doesn’t change the issue where attack size ALSO goes up as you progress through the levels (once we get to level 500, the metal mages of today wouldn’t need any attack size to land a hit with light with their aiming issues).
Attack size is just there to give us a taste of whatever unbalanced hellhole the actual max level combat will be

edit: i replied to the wrong post, it’s the big one i made above this

Or just make the dmg/size slider more extreme, Make smaller size wayy more dmg. and bigger size wayy less dmg.

that wont work
people are gonna keep their attack size at the normal amount and it’ll still be big enough to hit whatever they want to hit with no damage penalty

why are you so insistent that size is in a perfectly fine place from the balance doc when the very ability to change it from anything aside from the damage slider is a problem for the whole combat system

i don’t know what they’d replace it with, but the attack size you get from leveling up ALONE is enough (unless it gives you less and less of a boost for each level and it stops somewhere, which, honestly, 125 is probably enough for it to be a stopping point)
the attack size stat only exists to fuck that up more and leave the combat dead on the ground

Or just use my new formula for equipment scaling

I have a spreadsheet for everything


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Leveling up doesn’t increase size, its tiers from investing in stats.

Tiers give the biggest size boost.
Currently pure builds are Tier 3 on their primary and Tier 2 on secondary

I think it might be 100 points per tier? idk

Hybrids besides savant have t2

well i hope that it doesn’t go up from tier 3 to whatever else at anywhere near the same rate as level 1 to tier 3 does

also secondary magic may or may not be smaller than whatever tier 2’s size is, they’re pretty tough to land unless you have a lot of speed

idk how much points is each tier

Wait, we can use the sword qualities for it, so looks like tier 2 is prob around 100 and t2 220?

Because i don’t see any problem with size, The game fighting and magic should progressively become bigger and more chaotic. If everyone had large size, Then there is no issue. Simply ensure you give those with good aim a dmg buff for having smaller aoe.

you can still have power and size at the same time though (calvus set), they’ll still be able to do damage without aiming
and even later down the line they don’t need to worry when they’ve got their insanity 2 (i have a problem with this too btw) level 500 power amulet, arcsphere (or a more powerful version), and the rest of their boss drops in defense and even more attack size. attacks will be even more unavoidable than they are now, and they’ll do enough damage to kill you super fast too
even if you’ve got 10% size with some 2x damage boost, you miss once and you’re probably gone because it’ll just be a DPS race

i’m unsure if this has been mentioned, however there’s an issue with beams. if you put the amount to 2 on your beam move, it will do more significantly more damage than if the amount was on 1. however, if you go up to 3 beams, the damage gets noticeably worse. is this a bug or intended? please resolve the issue if possible

Im pretty sure its intended
the 2 amount beams shoot out both at once but in 3 beams shoots them out one by one
the 3 beams should do more damage added up tho.


Multi beam and shot as well as multi hit rushdown are bugged so they deal less damage overall if you choose higher amounts