Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

it does like 0.6x damage though lol it should at least be able to do some minor chip damage rather than just not hitting at all and exclusively being a mobility tool

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kinda agree with this. spiraling fury is very inconsistent when it comes to actually dealing damage and it’s not really a hurtbox issue, even though that’s part of the problem. I think it should have a hurtbox throughout, even if it takes a damage nerf as compensation, either that or nerf its clashes.

Logistic growth would be better used for the combined multipliers applied to your attacks
For example:
(This is for damage multiplier, but its basically the same for size except a lower value)

Combat at level 500 to level 1000 will be nothing like what it is currently

If you played arcane adventures you might remember the higher level clashing mechanics and whatnot.

Aight so, this is a question relating to Warlock, imbuements, and how do they work with it.

So Conjurer it’s pretty simple, all weapons are a 1x multiplier, and imbuements are a multiplier onto that. So we add 0.1 to say, shadow, and I get a 1.05x damage multiplier to my attacks.

Warlords being another weapon using class get a 0.15x boost (on average styles seem to hit a tad less hard multiplier wise so this makes sense.

Now warlocks, they seem to get the same status treatment as conjurers but no actual buff to magic imbuements. Now, the question here is if the buff itself is actually necessary, but when you’re say, imbuing a hard hitting but slow magic. This becomes the same situation as conjurers where you’re not gaining any actual benefit from imbuement. Although I realize things can probably get wonky considering fighting styles can have a greater than 1x multiplier to speed and size, meaning magics would stack with this theoretically if they are multiplied together.
Although I’d recognize the potential for synergies being more readily available as an argument for the reason why warlock doesn’t get the 0.1 treatment conjurer gets. However, a counter point would be that conjurer would get these options eventually too.
There is also the fact that fighting styles are customizable whereas weapons are more fixed. Maybe that’s why warlocks are just getting the status changes, additionally, there will likely be more rare spells that can be used by both style and magic sides.

Anyways that’s about it.
TLDR: Warlock no have damage boost, curious on why. Is it synergies, customizability, or something else?

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Main reason is that fighting styles have multipliers unlike weapons who just have 1.0. This meant that with imbuement onto weapons, even a 1.0 dmg magic wouldn’t get a dmg increase when the multipliers are merged. With imbuements onto fighting styles they do have a multiplier so they can receive a dmg buff, for ex: iron leg is .925 dmg affinity next update and metal is 1.0, combined they would be somewhere are between the 2 affinities, leading to a dmg increase on the fighting style.

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Ignore the dude below you, he’s entirely wrong

Warlock already works how conj works in next upd

If style imbuements work anything like conjurer then it can be assumed that a 1x multiplier from metal will mean iron leg is still 0.925x and slower than before. At least the AOE gets bigger though, but if it’s additive and then divided by 2 then its… 0.9625x which is a buff but still getting that 0.5x to speed.

Probably should specify that under warlock “imbuement damage is like conjurer, see conjurer below” if that is the case.

It’s a balance doc not info doc

You can try it out tho, it literally is already the case

Metal gives a 10% dmg increase (1.0 → 1.1)
Acid gives a 2.5% dmg decrease (.875 ->.975)


I’ve dug through all imbuement relevant patch notes, it doesn’t have anything added to the dmg affinity.
All I have found is this relating to warlord

It’s been that way since it was made, same as warlord except warlord is getting a nerf to it from .25 → .15 increase


What fighting style

Every single one

Metal + Iron leg = (1.0 + 0.8)/2 = 0.9, +10%
Metal + Iron leg if it gave +.1 to affinity = (1.1 + .8)/2 = 0.95, +15%

Also there is no way its giving 10% on every fighting style irregardless of if it adds to affinity, all of the fighting styles have different affinities.

Because it worked like that since the beginning

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What don’t you get

It’s a multiplier, not an average

Thats not adding anything to the dmg affinity of metal. thats +10% not +15%