Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

More of saying change all of those clears to 10% or 20% for consistency, Also fire and plasma either need a dmg buff or dot needs to disable hp regen or something.

Funni, also it was a dmg nerf but a size and speed buff to keep it in the same balance with weightage. Being same size as metal, wood and magma is weird for the drink. I thought it was weird for water to have same dmg as explosion.

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Imo size/dmg are worth the same weightage, speed 70% weightage. a mere 0.025 lost doesn’t justify anything imo, I rather lose the 0.025 dmg then the 0.05% speed. but the explosion lost of 0.15 speed already made it the same as water, or even worse depending on how endlag will look on explosion once implemented.

what about water same dmg same speed but 1.25 size so .2 more speed than explosion but .05 less size instead of .1 less size

I still believe this is extremely one sided, I don’t believe their dots shouldn’t stack however the buff for a non dot needs to be different than double duration. As the argument for stacking dot was dots losing dmg due to not being able to stack dot as another dot magic might, non dots also need something if this is the argument since they are losing synergy dmg by stacking the same status. For example, using double water gives up stun synergy with 10-20% dmg boost or bleed dot synergy with 10% dmg boost. Same sort of thing for explosion and triasta when conjurers can use it.

I propose that a non dot gains 10% or 7.5% self synergy to award using the magic alone, aggressive play, and make up for lost synergy potential. Also, all statuses should stack on imbuement and stacked statuses should increase the synergy like it is planned to with light (buff that past 10%, lights dmg is low enough). To balance it with dot, dots should prevent or reduce hp regen (also so they aren’t just defeated by hp regen).

By changing this to be stacking statuses for all status it can be uniform. Also, due to synergies being half as effective on imbuement it won’t be a full 20% and would instead be 10%. This would make dot, especially long dot more valuable and make a stacked non dot status closer to a standard bleed synergy build with it having slightly more synergy, but no dot.

its 0.05 size diff for 0.2 speed diff, thats 4x. th current 0.1 size for 0.2 speeed for 2:1 is balanced as is

yo is glass conjurer bad or nah

Ask Borg

Jk it is pretty bad rn since all glass does is bleed which weapons already do

what the hell happened to my plasma :frcryin:

It didn’t change speed just became more valuable

I mean speed effectiveness is halved for evertything besides projectile travel speed so it’s really 10% more speed for 5% size nerf vs -10% speed nerf for 5% size buff

speed effectiveness is halved for Conjurer. You can’t just expect a magic to be good/bad simply in the view of a certain build/ awakening route. A item’s stat should be looked into their respective pure-build stats, because thats where it matters most and amplified the most.

Even then, it would be “balanced” for imbuements to your exact weightage. Then what would happen to the mage user? Just suck it up for conjurer users? It really doesn’t need a change currently, with it already being in centre of the pack in stats. And better more once all the sea-based activity is added.

It is halved for everything besides projectiles.

Nah this is just cause I want water buff or self synergy so it can be useful for water + sailor or water + sunken and not just give 20s of a soaked effect I can’t take advantage of. I am severely coping after dots got dot stack since they lost dmg but synergy effects got 20s of an effect they can’t take advantage since they give up synergies for that like how dots used to give up a dot.

Instead of more damage, light should slow down the enemy with each application of blind.

Vetex is opposed to slow statuses. Personally I think it should be 4% per stack since light doesn’t have dot or good dmg. Max 20% dmg and incentivize aggression

Savant Dmg Reduction?
Can’t remember where or when i read it, But does savant have Damage reducing after their awakening? If so it should be removed, to give it a chance of having some builds savant builds to see the light of day.

Damn. Would have been cool, too…

No it’s just vitality has dmg reduction at a rate of half of the percent of stats in vitality so 25% reduces dmg by 12.5%

Would The vitality dmg reduction become addative or multiplicative after the dmg calculation change? I think it might be overlook/forgotten to be changed.

Prob multiplicative

I understand the worry, combo statuses got overlooked in the no dmg reduction thing like snow + sailor doing 60% reduced dmg