Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

If a user is soaked the Burning/fire is applied, will they be scalded or only if they are burning then water is applied? Or will it be both ways.

The Crystallized status going from 35 > 30 is a lot more reasonable then its previous written nerf of 35 > 25. Though, I am not sure how to feel about its interaction shatter now just being on par with its normal shatter. I mean I guess if the interaction magic used just has a noticably higher base damage it’ll encourage using a different magic to shatter. I personally don’t know though if the standalone stats of the shattering magic will make that much of a difference from just shattering it like normal.

Dot stacking and Magic interactions
Would magic interactions increase in damage, if the user has stacked dot? If not it would make synergies with dot magics unfavorable.
Scenario 1:
3x burning Dot is applied on a user, And the Ash is then applied. You would lose out on large amounts of damage from the dot you have built if you used your ash magic. It would also be a buff to Dot magics to have increase synergies dependant on dot stacked.

I don’t think it’s possible to have that, but as as I know it only applies the synergy as if one stack was applied unless they are seperate statuses. Part of the reason a stacked non dot is also rather useless.

Currently on the doc scalded is only applied when water/cold hits heat dot. Scald does apply however when a heat magic is used with sailor fist or sunken sword. Doesn’t synergize with cold magics though which is super weird.

I’m in favor of applying this to all statuses and giving non dots self synergy to be usable better alone. Light self synergy should be doubled though instead since it’s base dmg is so low and blind is short. In exchange for non dot getting self synergy though, dot should prevent hp regen so it is actually doing dmg but lose its 5% self synergy (since their dot would actually be doing dmg now). Dots really need to stop hp regen cause with regen being 1% of health anyone with 2k hp out heals any dot below 20

yeah this is the main problem with DOTs. simple change too methinks.

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Makes long dot useful wow wow wow. Giving them self synergy was a stupid bandaid to make them closer to a impact while dot is applied when they should be playing around their dot and attritioning the player if they are a long dot like poison.

I still feel a 20% buff for shining cycle won’t be enough. It’s so small even without the awakening size buff (removed)

No, this isn’t a skill issue. (It doesn’t do a lot of damage), they’re just gutting a perfectly balanced weapons. With the size buff from awakening removal, they should just keep the imbued size and nerf it by 10%. I agree it can get obnoxious, but it’ll be one of the most heavily affected weapons by the size nerf, being almost completely gutted.

What build and how much attack size. My shining cycle is massive

Does 234 dmg for me(swift enchant), it’s pretty strong

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I get 174, how much power and what build?

Warlord with zero attack size. It should honestly be like Conjurer’s shining cycle in terms of size

Wait did you check the “let me cook” topic?

Which fighting style cause most reduce size. Most magics though increase size or keep it the same

I guess I’m gonna miss fucking around with that big ass AOE. It’s not a skill issue as Sand Conjurer’s Shining Cycle was much smaller and I never missed a shot with that.

I just kinda miss the broken AOE, even if the damage was sub par.

Now pre-awakening Shining Cycle is something else. Bro it’s a fucking joke how small that shit is. It’s literally the size of the visual effects on Light Magic’s Aura. That’s how laughably small that shit is. And I’m never gonna let my favorite little punisher get absolutely shit on.


Haven’t had the time to type out full responses, will respond to everyone by tonight

nah thats a horrible idea

AP pointed out vetex’s stance on it

and being a light user myself, it wouldn’t fit the magic’s personality. if it did slow then it’d change the entire meaning of the magic which would produce a lot of redundancy, balance issues, and switch up of play styles by a noticeable margin.

the self synergy is more than enough whether it be the 5% on blind, stackable 10%, or the 20% like AP pointed out(which 20% is fairly extreme imo). the fact it’s there is more than enough on what light could ask fair, paired w/ the blind duration increase

v1.12 light magic is solid and doesn’t need anything other than the final decision on the self synergy. unless im somehow glaring over a huge issue with it

damn. can we buff fire tho

well as per the discussion above about dot magics and non dot magics it’s up to that area itself and not so much the magic

it’s already getting a size buff and i agree w/ the jack of all trades aspect because it makes sense for the magic

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Considering lights .825 base impact dmg, lack of dot or stun and the short 2 seconds that you need to get those racks in, I think it’s still less than enough, but it should be used to encourage light to be an aggressive playstyle.

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