Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

How much more size?

1.1 would be good imo

i’d prefer a speed buff but hey, you can’t have it all now can ya

gg we got that 1.1 size

but intensity stat tho ;-;

the aggressive playstyle promotion i am fine w/ tho, light magic is supposed to be a fast paced blitz magic anyways with a necessity of being able to adjust around an opponent accordingly

Personally think it should be 1.15 since that’s average and it’s meant to be jack of all trades. .9 dmg 1.0 speed and 1.15 size would be dead average but giving dot regen canceling would make up for that .1 dmg

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0.9 damage would be VERY nice, and plus, DOT isn’t that strong

Normally players regen 7 HP per second, so a DOT has to deal more than 7 DMG for it to really deal damage instead of just being a regeneration thwarter

So uhh yeah

  • Give dots regen cancel (tank builds completely ignoring it crazy ngl), remove the self synergy (or don’t and just have non-dots have higher). Alternatively, reduce the regen by the same amount as the dot would deal (a tank would still regen but anyone with less would likely not).

  • Give non dot statuses 10% self synergy

  • Make stacked statuses increase synergy

  • Make double status imbuements stack statuses regardless if it’s dot or not.

Water sailor or water sunken becomes viable even though you give up dot, stun, and sometimes more dmg synergy than the self synergy.

Encourage aggression and make non-dot statuses more useful alone without an outside synergy like dot statuses are.

Having long dot suck and Bandaiding it with self synergy when they should play around dot is crazy.

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ngl that actually seems pretty cool

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I want dot = attrition
Non dot = aggression and environment
No status = all rounder, good whenever (higher base stats) or give them a status (Don’t need new statuses, just copy the existing ones and rename them, or don’t Idc I only use 6 different water builds)

  • Ash = Ashy (carbon copy of charred like how scalded is just burn)
  • Wind, Earth = Dazed from boxing
  • Glass = Gouged from warrior
  • Lightning = shocking/electric (lightnings interactions with other magics except reversed or funny AA cooky crazy dot given to everything)

would a no status magic be something like wind?

Anyone has the list of what intensity does to each and every magic?
We know for things like dot magic, it extends their length/size/dmg.
Wind,ice,snow,ash,water,lightning have longer effects from frozen/petrify.

But what does explosion, wood and sand get exactly?
Once intensity become more prelevant and useful, some magic will have useless intensity stats while some benefit highly. How will this be balanced?

Wood gives bleed so same effect as for dot
Sand gives a blind effect so prob just longer blind time
For explosion and water (water can’t apply frozen) they will just have a longer time on their status and some increased synergy at an unknown rate.

Wonder when the last time they checked this page was. Not sure the point in the page being open still when everything is essentially finalized. I wonder if the next balance doc will be public or not.

New draft

  • Dot reduces hp regen by half of the amount it deals as dmg (would be like increased dot dmg except it doesn’t do more effective dmg if the person’s regen is too low)

  • Give non-dot statuses 10% self synergy

  • Make stacked statuses increase synergy

  • Make double status imbuements stack statuses regardless if it’s dot or not.

Water sailor or water sunken becomes viable even though you give up dot, stun, and sometimes more dmg synergy than the self synergy. Like duplicate dots used to give up dot and lose dmg, double non-dot gives up dmg synergy + dot or dmg synergy + stun, meaning they also lose dmg on top of other synergies.

Encourage aggression and make non-dot statuses more useful alone without an outside synergy like dot statuses are.

Having long dot suck and Bandaiding it with self-synergy when they should play around dot is crazy.

Poison becoming good moment

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Make full water builds great again! I wish for a world that water + sailor will be slightly less shit and kids around the world will not taunt the water + sunken user for the fact it does nothing.

i think they need to buff more the Scald Steam magic is so bad

Day 1 of begging Vetex to buff fire magic

Day 1 of asking Vetex to not buff Fire magic

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