Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Day 1 of begging vetex for non-dot (water and maybe others) self synergy

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Got a question, does/should aura amplify magic imbues (and this would also apply to fighting style imbues)
If it doesn’t but it should, then it’d probably work my applying itself to the multiplier before anything else. So say Shadow (my favorite example) gets a 10% boost then it wouldn’t amp the 1.05x boost after the +0.1 for say conjurer, but it would amp the 0.95x and then add the 0.1. (Although the amp in this cause should honestly have it’s effectiveness reduced)

I don’t believe so

Somewhat understandable if it doesn’t but it’d make some sense that it would (albeit at reduced efficiency/potency like I said) since you are using that magic/style to empower your attacks. If I make my magic/style more potent (damage wise) then it should theoretically make my imbued magic/style more potent.

I mean defense mode applies no matter what your using so I don’t really understand why it wouldn’t work for imbuements, though I don’t actually know if it doesn’t work with imbuements or not since 100/150 conjurer

Yeah same, I went with a strength focused warlock because that was going to be my main form of attack but also because Divanochi tested it out and apparently there was no effect on damage.

So I don’t forget. Imma list some stuff here

Actually just a bug

Combined statuses from imbuements don’t count as from you and so they still have negative synergies. Ex. Snow sailor freeze has -60% dmg.

weird stuff

Heat statuses normally reduce the dmg of cold magics way more than cold statuses reduce the dmg of heat statuses.
Melting -10% dmg on water, soaked -5% on magma
Scorched -30% dmg on water, soaked -5% on plasma
Burning -20% dmg on water, soaked -10% dmg on fire
Scorched -20% dmg on snow and ice, snowy 0% on plasma, freezing -5% on plasma
Ice and fire actually have the same debuffs atleast
Prob an artifact of WOM ^

Frozen has high negative synergy with water and snow, but petrified has 10-20% synergy with all the heats required for it, except ash
This one just feels like an artifact of WOM ^

Negative synergies hurt a lot in team fights ^

Weird Imbuement synergy things

Stun synergies aren’t reduced by imbuement, maybe a cd increase or duration decrease, but prob just cd since the duration is alraedy insanely low. Or it lowers the duration but cd becomes 10x the duration. ex: .5s stun has 5s cd

Dots also aren’t affected by imbuement effectiveness reduction but those dots are alraedy kinda weak and I don’t see a nerf that would maintain their viability. The only thing I could think of is doubling the dot outside of imbuement so it would be half in imbuement.

Logistic growth stuff

Def something for v1.13 if anything

Most DoT pretty weak

DoT tends to just become regen canceling instead of actual dmg since it’s too low dmg at the base to overpower base regen without any extra hp past 1 or 2 damage. For the damage loss that tends to be a pretty raw deal.

Alternatively, full hp regen canceling well dot ticking or the same amount as the dot tick.
Or, increase dot when its non-imbued since imbuements can stack multiple dots at 100% effectiveness

double non-dot buff


Would make a double soaked synergy on an imbuement be 10% dmg not 20%, and would lack dot or stun synergy. It’s not gonna be insanely op as some used to say. Also self synergy dots would become 5% instead of 2.5% on imbuement if double stacked.

i hope intensity increases paralyze , frozen , petrified duration like max intensity has 1.5 second stun

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Under the balancing changes, it says that “When it comes to paralysis, if one of its weird gimmicks isn’t currently OP, it will be OP”. What does this mean? It seems a bit vague to me, I’m not sure what it implies.


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it means it’s a pre-emptive change to prevent it from being overpowered in the future


Thank you, both you and @ThatOneGuy, it was bugging me for a while and yep, this is my first time on the forum. Hello!

Day 2 of asking vetex to buff fire magic

Day 2 of asking for double water buffs. Stackable Slow or hp regen reduction when


blind would be better

Do you know how painful it is for water to go into your eyes? Even if you can open your eyes in water, it’ll still blind you a little bit

although imo water doesn’t need buffs, it has good size, good dmg, good speed

FIRE on the other hand is lacking in a lot of things

It’s speed is meh
It’s size is meh

I guess it’s DOT is good though

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Needs something for its status besides just being used as a catalyst, I wanna use water without being pressured into using a stun or bleed synergy for dmg

Fire is lacking stats not status

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Well you don’t have to, in the WOM days water was good on it’s own, like shadow.