Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP


it’s gotta get bigger, like 1.15x

Well wom you couldn’t really get synergies, now we have imbuements and water base stats got nerfed a lot

Wait fr?

Wom could get synergies but you had one magic so you need a friend. Water lost .1 size and .025 dmg. It’s essentially worse explosion now.
Personally do not believe that 20% more speed (realistically 10% since halved effectiveness) is better than 10% more size from explosion with size multipliers becoming additive. 5% size loss maybe (1.25x size affinity) but not 10%

Realistically if I was actually trying to have a good build I’d use explosion instead for the better stats and positive instead of negative synergy with Litterally my entire friend group.
Or use a heat magic that allows me to stack scald and another dot using steam sunken or sailor.
^ Magma is gonna go crazy if it can do this with petrified as well. 10% from scald, 20% from petrify, and 5% from self synergy for a total of 35% or 17.5% due to halved dmg on imbuement.
Would love if a tester could try magma sailor and see if it can apply scald, melting, and petrify

Water slowing enemies or reducing regen doesn’t really make sense. Water is meant to be a versatile magic, if you choose not to make use of its interacting magics you will be inherently limiting yourself from those bonuses. If the magic were to made more viable its base stats should be addressed rather then the soaked status it applies.

Ever been wet? Water is extremely heavy, it would definitely slow you down.

I prefer the self synergy or soaked slow since water can be powerful with other magics synergizing, however I’m just trying to improve the magic alone not benefit every one of its synergies too cause they don’t really need that.

I personally do not like stun synergies or dot and I just want to use double water. With dots they get to benefit from using the same dot due to stacking the same dot and self synergy, but soaked doesn’t do anything without a synergy so it’s just kinda useless for me.

An issue with changing the soaked status to this extent is that it appears not only in combat and getting slowed by its appliance would serve as a very repetitive inconvenience.

Self synergy for the non dot statuses than…dots already have it and light is getting it so it’s not unprecedented. Would make the magics much more versatile in use on stuff that isn’t a seperate magic synergy and would still be lower than a seperate magic synergy since it wouldn’t have a dot or stun.

With the new imbuement status stacking, water and wind are gonna be the only double statuses that don’t become better when they are stacked from an imbue. (Wind should just get bruised like boxing and give dazed a self synergy too).

Self synergy provides a huge amount of potential variety and viability if it increases on a stacked status. Cap the final buff after the synergy is halved from Imbuements, at 10% though

Think of it more as a stop gap until the statuses to allow the builds to be viable, until the statuses are given unique effects.

Sandy and blind would just get the stacking self synergy that blind is getting except it could get to 10% even with halved synergy. Might need a sand dmg nerf if this was the case though. Maybe it could still have the same effect but at 1% per stack instead of 2%

Crystallized would stay the same.

Explosion boxing is technically radius fist

Status Effect Suggestions

Stopgaps to increase viability alone until something different.

Magic/Fight Style v1.12 v1.13
Light - -
Sand Sandy 1% self synergy per stack (caps at 5%) -
Snow Snowy 1% self synergy per stack (caps at 5%) -
Wind Dazed from boxing 1% synergy per stack (caps at 5%) -
Boxing Dazed 1% synergy per stack (caps at 5%) -
Explosion Charred 5% self synergy (stopgap) Coud just become similar to sandy or snowy
Ash Charred 5% self synergy (stopgap) Ashy status, Ash synergies on other statuses but reversed (Check Below)
Ice Freezing 5% self synergy (stopgap) Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), freezing reduce hp regen: “Your body is freezing and struggling to stay warm. Fewer resources will be available to regenerate.”
Water Soaked 5% self synergy per stack (stopgap, only stacks to 2 from a double status imbuement) Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), slow movement
Shadow Drained 5% self synergy (stopgap) Drain/reduce Energy (would be equal to or less than passive regen)
Glass Gouged from Warrior? Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added
Wood - Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added. splintered?
Metal - Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added
Plasma - Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added
Fire - Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added
Acid - Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added
Magma - Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added
Poison - Remove 5% self synergy (stopgap), status refreshing added
Lightning - Electrified/Charged status, lightning synergies on other statuses but reversed (Check Below)
Crystal - -
Earth Bruised or Dazed, self synergy =< 5% Dirty, idk (could become similar to sandy or snowy)
Basic Combat Bruised or Dazed, self synergy =< 5% Idk
Cold Temperatures - Separate Hypothermia status instead of using freezing, 10% to cold magics (Water, Ice, Snow, Wind, Boxing, Sailor) and 5% to Metal

All statuses should stack from double status imbuement for consistency, and leave duration increases to intensity (also no one needs the 20s of soaked if you can’t synergize with it).

Ashy and Electrified/Charged could just be given the stun after X stacks as it would be for charged except for higher stacks required (lightning wouldn’t get a lightning bolt). I don’t know, storm could get something else instead of being paralyzed after stacks.

Has anyone noticed how insane the sand stats are? 15% dmg and size than light with 85% less speed (42.5% from the halved effectiveness). Why is no one using this magic???

fire is great dude

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Status Synergies/Conversions Suggestions for v1.13

Status Magic Result
Soaked Earth Muddy, more slow than soaked, combines the positive synergies of soaked and sandy. Creates brown petrified when hit by heat magic.
Soaked Wind 10% dmg, no clear, Frostbite
Snowy Heat Magic Soaked
Burn, Scorched, Melting Snow or Ice Soaked
Soaked Heat Magic Scald
Scald Snow, Water, Ice, Wind 10% dmg, no clear
Frozen Water, Snow, Wind 0%

why do I feel like I predicted glass becoming dogshit?

Like I always felt like acid was just going to outclass it completely for a while now

hell even magma to an extent does glass’ job better despite being so slow

Nah your looking at the wrong magic as competition, Wood there with the same bleed 7.5% more dmg and 10% more size for 20% (10% halved) less speed


I just love how I can unironically say “wood winning” nowadays

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Not until water sailor or sunken is close in viability to magma sailor/sunken (as far as I know its gonna be able to apply scald, petrify, and melting) or ice sailor/sunken.

It will be

how? It’s giving up all the synergies using anything else would. No stun + 10% dmg synergy or dot + 10% dmg synergy. Or if you were using a different magic on sailor, double stack dot with self synergy + synergy with scald or double stack dot with self synergy + synergy + break petrify synergy

As far as I know

         A[Magma + Sailor] -->  B(Petrify applies from system) 
B --> C(Scald Applies from Sailor)
C --> D(Melting applies from imbuement +5% self synergy, Petrified cleared +20%, Scald +10%)