Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

so Vetex could be working on these changes right now.

Vetex just leaves balance to the testers and just concerns himself with updates.

pls bruh someone add this guy to dev team or something

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No, I’d just give water 50% slow stacking and than change nothing else.

Sadly the closest magic to this is glass

I come back to this topic and see the first post from Div and thought glass got buffed to have stacking bleed.

every black person in ao rn having already countered that status with lotion

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Bottom line, fs are in need of better buffs than just increasing damage.

The problem has never been them not doing enough damage, that really only applies to boxing.

My suggestion is
Slight amount of Heat/Seawater given back when blocking or parrying a move (could give more for parries)

Better gap closing

As of now, fighting styles with low speed have absolutely horrendous crash range, which doesn't suit the playstyle, i can barely make it across half of munera with iron leg crashes, wtf? Seawater as a whole wasn't really thought out as a system because when you think about it, why would it make sense for a rushdown class to do less damage because you're fighting? You're literally penalizing me for not drowning myself or drinking seawater mid fight because I moved too much. The system for seawater needs to drain way slower or be reworked in it's entirety.

Teleport Smashes

Add an option to teleport to where your mouse is before using smash but decreasing damage by maybe 1/5th. You could also add a slider for how far it'll go. Obviously, this would need some indicator, maybe a sound cue before you teleport.

More unique weapon skills

Weapon users are really eating good with teleports right now, and in my opinion, they don't even really need them to work as a class. The range on teleports should not go nearly as far as they do right now, it's almost braindead. They're already hard to parry. Along with these changes, here are some more unique weapon skills to increase variety in what's used instead of SoS, Kai Saber, Greatsword, Musket, and Sanguine/PTDagger being the only things used.
  • Trident Pull (Replaces Throw) - New way to gap close, bring them to you. (requires aiming)
  • Spear Lunge (Replaces Throw) - New way to gap close, lunge at them at high speeds, needs a windup so you can parry/predict but with little endlag
  • Mace Slam (neglected weapon) - Jump at your target and slam them down
  • Shield Rush (doesn’t need to replace throw, being captain america is cool) Rush at the target with a large shield radius to block damage (scales with defense??)
    That’s all i’ve got for now

That’s just crushing judgement isn’t it?

Mace is also a blunt weapon but we also have around 3 per tier so idk what vetex was thinking, maybe they’ll have different ults but that’s about it

I guess

it kinda is tho, every other non-hybrid class will do about the same amount of damage as you do at close range, while also having much better options for long range

one of the issues that i see with gap closing is that the dash alone just gives everyone crazy mobility, specially if you have agility items in your build, so fighting styles like iron leg are screwd by design

Warlords eating good then

But no really, when is the halberd Q getting fixed, its nowhere on the docs


I swear i didn’t see it when i looked
My dementia is growing

Guys, when is halberd q getting a buff

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are conjurers gonna be able to get a bleed synergy bonus in one hit with imbued weapons after 1.12 or am I misunderstanding it

Someone please tell Vetex to add QoL additions asap. I value QoL things more than actual updates.

Today I was trying to PVP in AO and I was averaging a whopping 8 FPS. PLEASE ADD SOME SORT OF OPTIMIZATION, LIKE SERVER LIST, TEXTURE REMOVER, ETC

we finally get a boobs feature now??? :face_with_monocle: :eyes: :grin:

The voices in my head

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