Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Imbuements that imply the same status effect as the weapon will apply two stacks if it’s a DoT, and double the duration if it’s not (stackable statuses would be unchanged since they already stack)

Day 1 of asking for water and wind to get a status that this is actually useful for. Soaked slow imbuement stack when? Wind boxing dazed stack when?

Plasma and fire:

Find what’s wrong
I never noticed how ass the horizontal hitbox on rising tide is. Combined with the movement being perpendicular to your mouse instead of parallel-like spiraling fury, this thing seems like a pain to use. Does anyone know how to actually land this consistently?

…The synergy fixes will apply for warlord too, right? Imbuements for warlord don’t proc any synergies including burning or soaking synergies for thermo and sailor respectively. Kind of uneasy as it is listed only under conjurer and for bleed specifically.

This thread fell off hard man

and no Vitality changes to be seen :pensive:

yea ofc it won’t get changed, it doesn’t even have its damage method, how tf you gonna balance that?

by removing the damage penalty until they do get added that’s how

@Fluect I’m sure it’s already been brought up among Testers (or at least I hope it has), but Fortified has gotta go. Perma-block Fortified 2 + Boxing / Shield builds are insane. Absolute invincibility until their food buff runs out. With blocking already getting buffed to 60% at base in v1.12, it’s going to be even bigger nightmare fuel than it already is.

Could Fortified maybe get changed to a max health buff while active, or even flat damage resistance? Just anything that isn’t what it is right now.

eeeeh maybe
that seems volatile though, like really volatile
if everything goes well then people still wont use vitality builds because theyre just not interesting
if its really broken then theres gonna be like a week of peace before mr overinflated personality makes a flavour of the month video and then were gonna have mage 2.0 again
well, not as bad but… still
vitality is a stat that will be useless for a long time, which is sad tbh. spirit weapons sound cool

i keep pressing f instead of g, my hand physically hurts if i stretch my finger all the way to g

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cant wait for the warden that haves 3k hp and deals 300 dmg

No, removing the damage penalty from Vitality is not a good idea. That just leads to more variety in Mage builds with no drawback. If they were going to remove the Vitality damage penalty, it should only be implemented for Paladin, Juggernaut, and Knight. The change should also be temporary, and should probably be removed when Spirit Weapons release. There is absolutely no reason to play these classes over their pure-build counterparts, or some variation of them (no reason to ever go Paladin over 160 Magic / 90 Vitality Mage). This would at least give them somewhat of a purpose.

If the damage decrease on Paladin was removed, you’d still be losing:

  • Blast Shapes
  • Explosion Shapes
  • Blast Ultimate Arts
  • Explosion Ultimate Arts
  • Pulsar
  • Second Magic Explosion customization
  • Second Magic Beams
  • Second Magic Leaps
  • a tier of Magic, reducing your AoE

All in exchange for 400HP. The fact that you lose all of that and a significant portion of your damage for the effect of wearing a Hard Defense Amulet is insane, as it stands. The damage decrease needs to be removed for Vitality hybrids until the classes are finished. Even with the damage decrease gone, Paladin would still be worse than Mage. Juggernaut would still be worse than Berserker. Knight would still be worse than Warrior. This would give them a chance, at least.

I think that it should be locked to these classes as, once again, it would inevitably be abused by pure builds to get an upper hand without actually becoming a Paladin / Juggernaut / Knight.

Isn’t this how it already works? I’m fairly sure that non-vitality Hybrids aren’t punished damage-wise for taking points in Vitality.
I agree with everything else. That’s what I was trying to say, if I didn’t get it across properly.



Do u ever get bored of typing out balancing ideas

Yeah, which is dumb. I think it should be flipped. Vitality hybrids shouldn’t get the damage penalty, while non-Vitality hybrids who invest in the stat should (so we don’t have 160 / 90 or 220 / 30 Mages running around everywhere).


not really im ngl

ok that’s really funny I want to build this

thank god blocking is getting buffed and boxing is gunna be everywhere next patch , can’t wait to see this minus the bursting aura for like 2 months straight till it finally gets hit :pray: