Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Can we make all instant ranged attacks(shot, piercing shot) bypass Tempest?


Balance doc update

The speed nerf to sailor got removed

Seems fair for water stats since its water and with seawater bar restriction. 70% lasts for a large amount of moves.

@_B1 @Level
Working on a holistic rating system for magics (for a clan). Trying to add synergies and stuff to it.

Works on a point system
.025 impact dmg = 1 point (Starts from .9)
.125 DOT = 1 point (starts at 0)
.1 speed = 1 point (Starts from 1)
.05 size = 1 point (Starts from 1.15)
Stun Synergy: .5-1 for stun synergy (.5 for the status; .5 for the magic)
Status Synergy: .5 for 1+ >=10% synergies; .5 for 2+ >=10% synergies; .5 for 5+ >= 10% synergies (For the status)
Magic Synergy: 1 for 2+ >=10% synergies, .5 for 5+ >=10% synergies; .25 for any >= 30% synergy (For the magic)
Special: 1 for strong special effects (Blind stacking synergy, crystal stacking); .5 good status only on high dmg threshold (1.5 in status synergy); .5-1 for hazards (1 for clouds)


Shown on spreadsheet (Ignore the magic stats being wrong, testing stuff)

Edit: forgot dot point value

Idk there’s not exactly a consistent way to measure, but since I can notice a difference it’s probably changed now.

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Seems like one thing that everyone has come to the same conclusion with. I think that measurement is flawed lol. So far me you and pika have came up with the exact same system (although I personally think it’s flawed because it pushes up stuff like Light way too much.

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Maybe .15 or .2 speed as one point, problem is that speed varies Aton in how useful it is for different things since it’s halved on most stuff. Also cause most of the speed changes haven’t been added yet


Any possibility of a special effect for the synergy only statuses in v1.13? Movement Slows, atk speed slows, energy drain

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I think the synergies are skewing it a bit too much. Explosion as an example has 1.5 status and 1.75 magic synergy while light has 0 of both. Leaves light with 3.0 sum and Exp 5.75 sum. Maybe light’s special (damage stack) should be worth more (1.5-1.75 or 2?) since it would bring light to near 0.9 avg (0.88) but its not active all the time. Shadow is in a good sum spot (5.0) (not underwhelming) while having 0 synergies.

And since speed is bugged and most things are halved, you could test 0.15 or 0.2

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Really those sums should be all at about the same level, I’d say 3.5-4.5. Synergies show the combo ability and build variety, might halve their point values though. Also think of the 1.0 as compared to stats ex: 2+ 10% dmg synergies = 2.5% impact dmg

Also in this situation the magics shouldn’t be compared to each other, they should be compared to a set sum value for all magics.

Idk slows would be cool though

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Energy drain sounds like something a lost/ancient would have

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vetex: :frcryin:

That’s because it is what a lost/ancient has

It’s planned to be on wave magic

bumping this

They add it to devastate but not my soaked,
hive explosion atk speed slow and me movement slow.

Edit: actually don’t know if it ended up getting added or not.

Also, is it just me, or were WOM PVP mechanics much more balanced?

Almost all self explosions were punishable(although the game was mostly T jump + blast)

Weapons instead of winning all clashes had clash stats(or would ignore clashes)

It was more balanced, but FAR less diverse and creative. Its just the trade-off that vetex decided to make, which seems to fit well into the arcane world better than the way things worked in WOM.


Yeah, I guess, but at the same time I can’t help but miss WOM’s old PVP sometimes.

It was nice feeling like you won or lost on your own skill, but then pvp could get boring from repetitiveness.

Yes, mostly because any build that isn’t Power+Defense(or just defense) is almost automatically trash, and weapons in that game were a nightmare to use.