Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I want to know the number tho

Fire and by proxy steam is
Dmg: .825
Speed: 1
Size: 1.1 (Might still be 1.05, might not have been changed like fire was in v1.12)
Scald = burn
Same synergies

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its just burn, deals damage based on impact dmg

Hes wondering about steam’s magic stats

wouldnt that be the same as the magic that youre imbuing with

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No, steam imbuement is a clone of fire as far as I can tell. It doesn’t use your magic’s stats


Its essentially its own magic, just only usable through imbuements

Do you know if steam magic stats got changed with fire in v1.12

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I was thinking something like the way you would switch between imbuing your weapon with magic and having no imbuement on your weapon

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click = freefall
hold = airstall
click + space = airstall
click = freefall

that sounds like a better implementation than what i suggested, to add to this maybe you can change which type of airstall toggling you want to use in the settings in the same way you can change dashing to either shift or double tapping

I was hoping it used magic stats but it’s just a fire clone.

So every heat magic + sailor and cold magic + thermo are the same stats on imbued combat

at least that’s an advantage for the low dmg plasma? :man_shrugging:
I mean pretty huge loss of size and dmg for my water though. But Id never be caught dead using anything heat related, or anything that isn’t pure liquid water

Yeah it’s no longer plasma therefore it’s better. Guess the file lives a little longer unless steam changes :man_shrugging:
also need to max an alt to transfer items now

(but you actually have to aim for it to be good)

true but when you’re moving around


bushogama… m1 m1 m1 m1… down slam…

gomu gomu… :cold_sweat: :rage: :sunglasses: PISTOL!!!

Y’all remeber that thing in v1.12 when they were gonna make dot based on metal dmg?
Dot dmg = (19 + intensity + Level) * dot affinity/percent

In hindsight it does sound like it would be a good buff for dot and make it easier to balance, however the dots percentages would have needed to be reduced on some dots.

These could follow like 12.5% per 2.5% impact/5% size/10% speed loss from average
(I use these numbers since it’s the equivalancy water and explosion follow as well as acid and magma)

Poison: 100% → 75% (same dmg overall)
Burn/scald: 35% → 37.5% (it’s 7.5% dmg below average and 5% below average in size)
Plasma: 27% → 25% (more dot dmg overall)
Bleed: 25% → 12.5%? (Why does do much stuff have bleed)
corroding: 50%
Melting: 50% → 37.5%