Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

wait if savants can imbue FS and Magic which would have more effect (because iron leg is like metal it would do 1.1 right? but then magics like fire would 9.256 or something)

So according to the new warlock imbue formula, will ash-imbued thermo have a size affinity of 1.15 instead of 1.25? @Fluect

imagine crystal iron leg on a light weapon

Do the embodiments have any visual changes?

Yeah the animal you choose will show up around you when you attack

someone send screenshots I’ve never heard of this before lol

can’t watch it yt is blocked for me :sob:

send screenie weenies



lol wth

What do you mean?

they look silly

I really like the design, not over the top, but shows what it needs to show

Yeah Ash imbue is kinda just doomed with no clouds

Do you think they’ll ever give ash imbues clouds?


Slightly brightened image.


that looks sick i had idea embodiments looked that good for berserker

It is still really easy to run away from people if you can dodge every second (hard to land any hits on someone who is not only running away but is able to spam dodge).

Also, if you are going through with the change to increase stamina regen by +15%, you should increase stamina used when dodging accordingly (at least 15%).

I have a question, does attack speed/charge speed affect spell charging speed?

skill issue