Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

First off, have you ever REALLY had a fight in AO? With a player that’s using their brain?

Asking for even lower dash cooldowns is basically turning the game into a game like Arsenal or Da Hood. Whoever has better pinpoint aim wins. Actually, it’s not even gonna be like that, the PVP won’t even be fun.

Second, huge AoE attacks can’t be dodged with just one dash, and even if you can, what are you gonna do against the next attack?

The PVP is supposed to be mobile.

im new to the forums, how do i dislike this

there’s a crying emoji reaction

did they ever implement the endlag changes for Smash? I just compared Iron Leg’s to Boxing’s in-game and there’s barely any difference

i was joking lol, i think asking how to dislike something is more direct

if you think increasing dash cooldown is such a good and wonderful idea, why not make a suggestion instead of arguing on here? im sure youll get lots of support

running should be a viable strategy tho, imagine you are minding your own business cooking or fishing and then someone vaporizes half of your hp with a surprise attack, would just just stand still and accept death then? cause you ain’t winning the fight unless you are an absolute god in pvp

See this is also why i fear not being able to dash away at all, one should not cover in fear, just cause they are not running around picking fights with other players.
I still think there should be space for people doing the 15 other things that exsists in the game.

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wait so when will these be added anyways? like the next update?

Dark sea update

dark sea update was moved to update 3 though

nerf warrior, when a warrior is high ping they can do 500dps and i cant even parry bec the damage displays before their attack fr

Then we’re getting it during the potion update

Ain’t no way, I come back and see this :skull:
Don’t get me wrong, shadow is still strong with the 1.2x speed coupled with a 1.15x size and 0.95x damage affinity but still.

Shadow is fine where it is, I don’t see the reason why it would be nerfed.

Regardless of the opinion of shadow, let’s talk warrior. So apparently warrior still has that +10% damage buff, which, if the warrior aura status changes are true then it honestly makes no sense to keep it for v1.13 when bruised can cover that (and vindicator would be a popular way to apply it). It makes even less sense to keep it when the other pure builds (mages and berserkers) lost theirs.

i dont see your point. warrior is currently underpowered as it is, if not underpowered then just mediocre. lots of people like to say its meta, but its only easy to use, and thats just with things like triasta and vin which are terrible when fighting anyone (seriously, anyone) who knows how to block or backdash.


For the rule

Looking past the weapon skill changes since I don’t use warrior and haven’t used weapons post v1.12. I’m going to assume you yourself use warrior and I have to ask, what makes warrior underpowered? I get Thermo Warlord with it’s ability to basically fly, conjurer has magic which gives more ranged options, and warrior seems to get only 2 notable weapons (Triasta and Vindicator).
Remember that weapons don’t have their 3rd or 4th set of skills yet so any issues right now probably get addressed in the future anyways. It might not be now but we’ll be currently addressing balance around something with 2 skills that will eventually become 3, 4, 5, and eventually 6.
Just going to post Kai’s saber for reference

Warrior if the weapon skills were finished would have 5 skills on it (using our current max level), and this is just 1 weapon (almost the same as having 3 weapons equipped currently). Unfortunate that this is a pretty low priority though since it’s not really mentioned in the trello as something planned to be soon. It’ll probably end up being a post-release thing which doesn’t really make a ton of sense unless it’s included under “First Updates”.

This would be a valid point, but it seems your ignoring the case that every other class has just as much to look forward too so its not worth the time it takes to speculate how powerful it gets.

Also triasta and vind arent very noteworthy when it comes to 1v1s since any half decent player can very easily counter. Warrior is only slightly underpowered, it mainly struggles against strength based builds (primarily warlord and warlock) which are really strong rn overall. Warrior essentially has nothing special which gives it an edge. The stats already dont give it much to work with so it doesnt make sense to remove the damage buff as well, which would make its attacks even weaker than many conjurers, making the entire class pointless.

Counter point, every other class isn’t working with 2/5 of their kit and have more total skills to work with. So every set of skills that warrior gets will mean much more to warrior’s than it would for mages or berserkers.

Honestly the mobility on them is just crazy now that agility is incentivized for them (pretty sure it is for crash).

I only ever said to remove it after v1.13 gives them the new status, meaning blunts would give that +10% damage buff back, sharp weapons would deal an unclearable bleed (it’s stronger too), and “sharp” weapons would do a bleed that stacks (every other bleed stack being 50% strength). Intensity of course being able to strengthen these statuses.

Honestly though, I hope that after the Dark Seas that Vetex focuses on either spirit weapons, arcanium weapons, or warrior’s skills because those seem to be pretty important to classes as a whole (spirit weapons especially since Warden can’t exist without them). Although if I were to prioritize them it’d probably be warrior skills first (at least 1 more set), then arcanium weapons or spirit weapons.