Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Beam cooldown 3 seconds gg ez

Make it percentage based + Flat and we got a deal
If I want to fight a level 950 as a level 1000 then I should be allowed to.

im pretty sure sizes are bugged rn bc my 20% smash has the same aoe as my 100% smash

nahhrrr what

I think we can balance AO combat by removing/fixing things that are not balanced, hope this helps.

“You’ll never catch me, krabs!”
“not until i shift into… MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!”

Does metal need any buffs? it feels like earth outclasses it.

(unless it did get buffs already sorry I haven’t played in a while)

metal has bleed and self synergy meaning it deals quite a bit more total dmv than earth does but ye earth is better metal

metal needs buffs bruh :fr:

Personally, I know I sound unhinged for saying this, but make earth and metal have the same speed.

that way:

-earth deals less damage in exchange for more size

-metal is the opposite, being smaller while hitting harder.

Neither outclass each other in speed.

(Unless this is already a feature I think it should be considered)

@maple your feedback?

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i was trying to find that one gif where the metal blast deals 700 damage

Embed fail

but generally idk if metal needs a buff, its kinda mid for everything but buffing it in any way makes it op
imo its synergies are just with magics that arent fstyles, so you cant rly make use of anything that metal has

hopefully spirit weapons will have synergies tho

how is it larger than 4mb its like 2 seconds

we can solve balancing completely by removing the combat system entirely and make it like naruto where you say some words and the bosses get so sad and moved by your words that they die and give you armor which is cosmetic


is this on the latest patch?
If it is I already know what my next profile slot is going to use.

It’s from around when the game first released, it’s probably still possible with a full power set though


this guy…

vetex, you’re fodder… this man should be the new head dev NOW!!!



Shadow mages