Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

yknow the one thing I want is for beserker to have actual clash rates and not just self destruct against a level 1 npc and for warrior to have actual clash rates and not just destroy a level 1000 attack


Wind is already better than shadow is and keeps its synergies and plasma, which is essentially taking shadow’s speed, already does more damage than it does in return for a little size. Shadow’s stats are the only thing that it has going for it and the only reason it’s getting nerfed because imbuements are currently broken making it better than every other magic currently for magic hybrids.

Gut shadow.

My shadow nerfs:
Damage: 0.95->0.9
Speed: 1.3->1.35
Size: 1.15-> 1.1

In exchange for these nerfs, we should give shadow just ONE, ONE positive synergy.

…Please? :frowning:

5% self synergy ez

Also beam cooldown is now 3 seconds so mage is actually skillful

Snare shouldn’t share a cd with other grabs except for snares(sure they’re both grabs but one leaves you open for 2 seconds and the other does the opposite)

Beam should have a half second cooldown after a blast is use to prevent air stalling(sorta???)

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Beam is spammable. 3 second cooldown and I’ll be pushing for that till the end of time

Y’all know we have a discord server now right?

I didn’t know that. Invite?


It’s related to pvp

Having max level 250s evaporate people trying to do sailor’s lodge and fort talos is an issue that will eventually become relevant and we can’t ignore it
Best to stop the fire before it stops

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bro i hate that mage has 0 cooldowns so much. Literally no other class is able to jump high jump and spam fast, strong and big moves

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shut yo bitch ass up clown

Shadow as a magic is way too overpowered where even skilled players struggle against it. This shouldn’t be the case.

Give it whenever with light damn it

Equinox reaction

shadow needs another thing to be bad at so that your second magic isn’t just poison or something

there’s little benefit to mage’s awakening when you’re using shadow

Explain to me why Explosion Thermo warlocks can have a 20% shot with an IMPACT aoe (the explosion after it hits the ground) bigger than the one of a normal 100% shot?


on second thought, maybe not
it’d just kill build variety the same amount

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