Doesn’t that mean they get affected by temperature outright
never said that. i mean that they are already affected by temp
If that were the case heat magics would be slightly better than cold ones as most fights happen on warm islands
Well then I think the temp system should just replace the damage synergies between cold magics and between hot magics
yea which can be annoying sometimes but its rare to actually overheat naturally on ravenna
what we have is good enough, theres no need to replace an entire system for one that basically does the exact same thing
It’s different because temperature is affected by lots of factors, but even so it’s still simpler because there wouldn’t be a lot of damage synergies and anti-synergies between different hot magics and cold magics to keep track of
its not since high temperature causes sweating and low causes freezing, leading to whatever synergies they already have.
like i said, youre just remaking a system that doesnt need to be remade
ok I now see that sweating has interactions that I didn’t know about
so instead, I think the system should be less binary. Instead of being either overheating, normal, or freezing, there should be thermometer on the screen with numbers, like the hunger bar, and hot and cold magic damage should just vary with the temperature in a simple way. I just think it’s ridiculous how many different interactions there are for some magics, and how a table is necessary to keep track of them. Plenty of these interactions are not intuitive at all. Like, nobody would think that wood does more damage to sweating targets
a table would still be necessary to keep track of the new system, and it would probably be more annoying as most islands lean towards low or high temperature most magics would deal less damage on first hit, negating the self synergy, and also temperature changes in an instant so calculations and fair matches can turn into an unfair match really quickly. plus, every current neutral magic would just have no synergies and would become more meta than they already are
not meant to be. mainly for balancing and what the point of the magic is, so some synergies might just exist to balance things out
and plus, we have a cool table anyways for the synergies
your own magics don’t have anti synergies with each other
The table could be much smaller, because for every hot or cold magic, there’d be a single relationship between damage and temperature, instead of having to remember the magic’s interactions with every cold magic and every hot magic. Imo different islands favoring different magics is ok and more interesting. If you mean environmental temperature changes in an instant, then that should just be changed, and it should change gradually. Neutral magics should still have synergies, but all the damage synergies and anti-synergies between hot and cold magics should just be replaced by the temperature system. Even if they’re not trying to make magic interactions intuitive, they should be, and they should just find other ways to balance magics
so what youre asking is to just make the system easier to understand and probably making the balance team have an even harder time balancing and finding out a way to stop temperature from changing pvp being broken
in the long run it makes it easier to balance because there are fewer things to keep track of though
it’s not that hard to remember magic synergies right now, most of them are just damage boosts and they all make sense so you can probably just guess most of them, there’s only like 3 special ones that stun you
not really
i see that individual synergies are simpler since they dont follow any random cycle, and you can balance them individually without worrying that changing a number would affect all magics
also if heat and cold magics are reliant on islands for their synergies while neutral magics can do it whenever, it’d be very unbalanced
A lot of them you can’t guess because they’re not intuitive. For example, ice not self synergizing, but snow synergizing with ice. It wouldn’t be unbalanced because being okay at any temperature isn’t strictly better or worse than being good at some temperatures and bad at others
most magics don’t self synergise since it’d be broken or unneeded for a lot of them, snow also doesn’t buff snow’s damage
youre not supposed to guess them, public help exists for a reason