Some magics do self synergize, and others don’t, and the reasoning why isn’t obvious to most players
They’re not just harder to guess, they’re harder to remember because they’re not intuitive. Also, most players probably don’t read the wiki or look at big tables, so intuitiveness is important
can you name more that aren’t intuitive? i agree with the wood and sweating one tho, i don’t understand that one
do you mean only with hot and cold magics?
the reasoning for light and crystal was because they were ass without it, dot magics have it cause otherwise they do bad damage when their dot’s on
any magics work
sandy and lightning
lightning can turn sand into glass, being sandy while hit by lightning basically covers you in molten glass
How does that not make sense
Molten glass isn’t sharp, and it’s better that the sand heats up than that you personally heat up. Plus, you could make the same argument for other magics. For example, if you’re petrified, then the ash will heat up when you’re struck by lightning, but petrified decreases lightning’s damage
molten glass is still hot as fuck
being covered with molten glass probably hurts a bit more than being covered with sand
volcanic ash is non conductive based on what i just found
so is ice, glass, and I’m betting sand as well, but frozen increases lightning’s damage
everything that shatters frozen deals more damage, and lightning is pretty strong
glass increases its damage cause it inflicts bleed, lightning does more damage to frozen targets because it shatters them, and it literally melts the sand on you
Petrified is described as trapping the target in a hard shell of ash, and lightning clears petrified. Plus, nobody would expect lightning to be able to shatter frozen if crystal can’t
it probably explodes it into regular ash again, just there’s no damage boost this time since it doesn’t turn into sharp things like ice since it just becomes ash again
If ice turns into sharp things, then why doesn’t clearing frozen inflict bleeding?
it’d probably be too powerful, balancing still has an effect