Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Next batch of updates…

HP Packs:
This should help out with fighting against multiple people as you’ll have more health for sustainability.

Thermo Heat:
These apply to not having to imbue as it shouldn’t be a requirement to only use X move to gain heat. If there was a feature where if you unequipped the tool to reduce/remove heat lowering, people would abuse it heavily. This should help out in this regard.

Sunken Helm has been readjusted in another change I’ll mention soon. For now, this got removed

There’s been concern over these health regen changes. They’ve been removed for the time being. I’m unsure if talk about this will come back to being added again. I’m open to feedback as long as its not rambling on this topic.

Combat Timer:
This will be increased back up to 60 seconds. The addition that’ll make this more bearable is when the person/npc that combat tags you dies or leaves, you get out of combat. This will apply to both PvE and PvP.

Armor Changes

  • Power to Defense ratio on armour is a bit higher than intended. This will hopefully balance things out a bit to where Defense still has a place, just not too overtuned.
  • Mantello and Lost Crown accessories are for some reason higher than boots? Probably unintended similar to how Sunken didn’t get buffed. If you’re asking “Why not just buff Boots?” It’s because they’d become overpowered as well in comparison to other items.


Mega bruh on the increase of combat timer

Why is it pve too?

If you kill the boss/npc that tagged you, it’ll go away. It really doesn’t matter unless you’re a runner really.

Pretty sure that never worked and i was always in combat even after killing bosses

It was never a thing and the doc says there to add it(please read instead of automatically reacting with shock.)

Sorry for reacting to an update, im really sorry that i dont wanna make a 5 page essay on it

Read through it and take your time. Reply with feedback after.

I like the combat timer change, i feel like it’d be so much less annoying unless it bugs again like it did on v1.11.0.

I feel like that sunken should be somewhat stronger just because it’s that hard to get. Otherwise, give better drop rates for sunken items because a 1/10 king Calvus drop does not equal a 1/3000 sunken drop. It also takes a lot of time to get sunken items because of fishing while I’ve seen people kill Calvus in like under a minute.

Are we gonna get anymore Strength/fighting style buffs :face_holding_back_tears: we need it so bad. From out crash that just sends us to out doom, to smash that keeps us in a very vulnerable position. Hopfully 1.12 brings fighting style to a state where its not just worse weapons or worse magics.

Few sunken errors (forgot to put it at 7% higher for boots/helm woop)

Focus on warlord doesn’t work for the weapons, only the FS. Not sure if intended. Warlord can only benefit more from the resistance focus.


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Combat Timer:
This will be increased back up to 60 seconds. The addition that’ll make this more bearable is when the person/npc that combat tags you dies or leaves, you get out of combat. This will apply to both PvE and PvP.

As long as mage, warriors, and all other classes are actually fun to fight against, I dont care if its 90s or even 120s of timer. Rn I dread seeing a mage or warrior with 60+ kills

I was thinking yesterday that conjurers and warlocks should have their magic’s affect apply more than just their status effect.
What i mean by this is that magics that leave behind gas clouds / puddles would also do that when you use weapons/fighting styles that are imbued with your magic. And if your magic has any weird affects, like wind’s knockback, it should also gain that as well.
I don’t think this is too much of a buff and more of a QOL feature similar to thermo fist in the way that currently, imbuing is very “ignore the function of most of your kit”. It doesnt feel fun to see that 80% of what your magic can do is ignored just because you’re a hybrid build.
I once had a wind conjurer and before i got my awakening i thought it would’ve been really cool to have my sword moves apply knockback in the direction i dash to make a neat off-meta build. I got my awakening and… that wasn’t the case.
It also wouldn’t be super op for cloud leaving magics such as ash and poison since mage will always be able to place more clouds, do more damage with those clouds, have bigger clouds, etc.
Oh, and speaking of clouds. I think pulsar should leave a cloud every time it pulses if your magic leaves clouds/puddles instead of just one at the end. Yes, i know pulsar is broken but it isn’t really broken for those magics since they dont really have the highest damage. And it would be very cool utility for them as well!
But what i really want to see added is the first suggestion of magic imbuement adding secondary effects from your magic, instead of just the status effect.

Also, maybe we could make it so that only extra defence from armour does not affect hp regen? Currently that seems like the biggest problem, since the right build gives you double your max hp. Vitality seems fine, and the health aura/focus is also fine. Its really just the armour it seems to me, but what do i know.


Btw acid is getting freeze synergy and cold dmg synergy. Also with scalded it doesn’t really buff you if your a water mage since water still clears scalded as it’s the same as burn. The scald buff really only helps heat mages fight environmental water which only happens when someone goes in the water.
Acid also btw already positively increases the dmg of those heat magics and can stack its dot with their dot.

Hey, I’m just here to bring a concern. I’ve noticed more recently people have began to run the play style of using a Fighting Style as a Berserker or Warlock to just shoot themselves in the air with a move (I’m not sure which) and spam Shot. I’m not sure if this is an intended mechanic, but I was wondering if this will get changed. Thanks.

Its pretty much the only way to play FS right now in this build
hopefully it will change in 1.12

and ya probably referring to an attack speed crash speed.

Warriors conjurer and warlords also do the same but with larger aoe with spiralling fury, polearm move, musket piercing shot, striking gale.

Both are already being nerfed with -20% attack speed distance scaling

Since lightning paralyzes on soaked now, can it also apply it on sandy and the proposed crystalized rework?
I feel like anyone that picks lightning as a first magic is forced to pick water if they want to be pvp viable right now cause the synergy with water is the best by far, especially when lightning doesn’t clear soaked so you can hit multiple times without reapplying the effect to get the damage buff even if they’re on paralysis immunity

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