Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

The stun is only for 0.7s so it’s not really game breaking but annoying if it hits every 10s. Acid gives the same boost as water while not removed by lightning and gives a DoT so it can be debatable if someone would want stun vs DoT

Make bullets function like thermo fist shot. It makes no sense why shot is faster than light and bullets. You can be a light mage while using speed aura and your blast will still be slower than thermo shot. Paired with some attack speed/charge, shot can hit at long distances while being able to be aimed mid air right after a jump, crash, etc. Bullets on the other hand have way longer cooldowns, cant be aimed midair, and are legit slower with a needle of an AoE. Making bullet sizes larger wont solve anything, look at this clip of 30% shot:

It is very well hitting within the red rectangle that is proposed to bullets yet fails to hit. This is because what actually matters is explosion size and the splash AoE it comes with when hitting a surface, not the size of the actual attack (You can see the last shot hit b/c of the splash AoE from hitting the ground). Explosion size is what determines damage as well for magics/fighting. Regular bullet m1s dont need to have an explosion size, but just make the bullet projectile consistent with shot and make them usable midair. You can have a charging mechanic for m1s just like any blast for ~1.5s, it doesnt even need to add extra dmg, just allows you to aim midair. Simply tapping m1 would fire like normally, but holding it would very briefly lock you midair before firing. Charging would also make your character and gun face the direction you are firing, I have no idea why this was removed from guns since stuff like Piercing Shot already does this. Not everyone likes to play and aim with shiftlock.

Paralysis stuns for 1 second currently while freeze and petrify last 0.7 seconds, although the feedbackers want to change all of them to 1.2 seconds
Acid also gives a 10% damage buff while I assume water gives a 20% buff although I haven’t tested it

Pretty sure it only cares about the end place of where ya aiming, but ye fair

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1.2s will make them more noticeable.

All damage buffs that remove the statuses are at 20% while the others that don’t are at 10% now

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Freeze and petrify also give a 20% buff and I don’t think they remove the effects that they get the stun from

Effects that cause stun (Paralyze, Petrify, Frozen) Are practically useless as of now on fighting styles
If imbue ash into thermo fist, it procs petrify (ONLY AT HIGH HEAT), and doesn’t even give me the extra damage. I’m just sacrificing burn for 0.1 seconds of stun. Literally. Frozen is a little better, But still isn’t viable enough to warrant widespread use, and paralyze I can’t say much on, which is probably a bad thing since i’ve seen 0 paralyzes happen since AO released. I have 120+ hours.


Some thing i thought of is just un-imbuing my ice when frozen is off cooldown, so i waste less seawater and can deal more damage

For a replacement for bursting aura. What about constantly applying your status effect in a wide area around you, auto cleansing statuses on yourself without charging, and giving the dmg reduction that your status does to other magics to yourself? It would do no dmg and pulse statuses at a rate determined by the magics’ speed.

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bursting is just not needed, 1: who uses it 2: it just gives you more protection against close range fighters so it’s stupid. 3: that’d make magics like magma even more strong by passively just removing ll debuffs.


I use it as a warlock so that I’m even stronger at close combat

Can confirm it doesn’t do this

Unfortunately true my points are genuinely invalid

I use it whenever I’m farming easy bosses.

Please stop buffing Acid and Magma’s synergies. They already have DOT and rank extremely high on synergies for their status and their interactions with other statuses.

They def don’t need to have cold synergies on top of synergizing with all heat magics.


You know which magic could use a nice synergy buff? And a unique DoT of its own, separate from Bleed or at least something to make it a real magic instead of a joke?



Gouged status from warrior and would be great for it…

To be fair, either gouged or another unique DoT effect would do a LOT to improve the situation glass is in rn. Especially since self synergy will be removed.

Meanwhile, acid can still synergize with bleed, which is HUGE and also has a DoT of itself, which can deal DMG together with Bleed.

And has good synergies all around as well.

Does anyone know the speed multiplier of Thermo fist in comparison to Boxing

Could heat magics applying hot temperatures and therefore sweating which they synergize with be considered a self synergy. Same with snow and ice for cold.

After finishing a warlock file I think I’ve discovered a big’ol flaw this game has.
You never EVER have enough health when you aren’t a pure mage. At least if your magic isn’t on the very heavy damage end of the spectrum.
Every single boss and challenging enemy encounter I’ve played has been a war of attrition simply because “going in and fighting” results in me losing more health than they do, due to us doing around the same damage to each other even though they have between 2x-4x my health.
Even enemies that should be relatively easy to defeat at max level have 1800 health so my light magic speed warlock just can’t brawl with them.
This was a problem prior to my awakening so I don’t think it’s necessarily light magics fault.
Sure light magic having relatively low damage, but should the difference between strong and weak magic really be night and day? I didn’t have power either, but in a balanced game that wouldn’t be the difference between running circles around rocks for several minutes to regenerate and winning straight fight with low health.

I have to ask why doesn’t investing in strength give the player more health so they are more aptly able to use close ranged techniques; where the player is typically forced to trade blows with their opponent.
I thought vitality was a crappy stat for being a number booster while the others were knowledge boosters and now I see that it actually should just be fused with strength.

Every single boss encounter on every file I play is just this war of attrition where you spam blasts from a distance and then try your best to out-regenerate the damage you will be taking. It’s not fun, it’s incredibly boring, and some fights can take upwards of 8 minutes (calvus) to complete this way.
This is exemplified heavily when you can’t/don’t just spam blasts from as far away as possible.

I fought carina today and tried to use my newly acquired fighting style.
I had only crashes unlocked but figured it’d be fine since I was on level and the boss was pretty easy, plus I could use my magic attacks at close range to keep hitting her.
It was not easy.

After about 12 minutes I reset the fight because she just kept out healing the trades I was able to make before my health got too low.
I did actually have a little defensive gear on, about +100 defense for those curious. My health was just about 960.

The second time I fought her I thought to myself “what if I just dash backwards and spam blasts?”
Within about 3 minutes, I had won the fight and was almost never hit, easily never dropping below 75% of my health.

Don’t get me started on calvus.
Calvus is probably one of the most poorly designed bosses I have ever seen. I do not believe you’re supposed to beat him at around level 100-115 without maxed out gear or maybe like +500 defense.
Phase 1 was a horrible, slow slog fest where one major hit would have me down about -150-300 hp (down meaning I wouldn’t get to regenerate above that due to the “hit me or this unavoidable attack kills you if you don’t block” attack) for the rest of the fight, but it was doable.

Once phase 2 starts it’s just not fun anymore. I have not even bothered to try it, even with switching my equipment to give me about 1300 health, my defense just wasn’t enough to deal with getting hit occasionally while I responded to everything with a dodge, block, or dash.

Does Vetex think his bosses are some “frustrating but fair” darksouls masterpieces or something?
I’ve seen him say they are supposed to be “trial and error” but what errors could I realistically be making if I perfectly understand his full moveset and the right responses I generally should be making to those attacks?
Oh and bosses randomly movestack, sometimes resulting in an instant death :smiley:
Additionally they have no patterns whatsoever (which would really help enforce them being “trial and error”), allowing them to do silly and fair things like…
Argos using his pull in super claw attack four times in a row while I’m cornered, causing me to take ~300 damage through block and die.
Argos shooting sword beams at me while using his pull in attack or while in the middle of teleporting around using his super claw attack, causing me to get CHUNKED out of nowhere during what should be a brief moment of downtime.
King calvus using his “hit me or die” attack in phase 2 during the startup of another move, causing him to nuke me for 1500 damage with no tell or chance to even see it coming.

I have to ask, in PvE are you supposed to use the janky block to never take the full damage from anything more than once in a blue moon to survive a boss encounter/strong enemy on level without retreating and playing ring-around-the-rosy with the nearest large rock/obstacle/cliff you can find?
It feels to me like every encounter in the game is designed for a pure power or hybrid defense/power mage build with optimal gear per level.
I really shouldn’t feel like a glass cannon just because I invested into attack speed.

Maybe the state of the game isn’t so much “mage op pls nerf”
I mean it is with magma/acid/metal/crystal/pulsar, but aside from that…
It could be more “strength is conceptually terrible pls buff”
I genuinely don’t know how you would kill calvus with a berserker build. It doesn’t seem realistic to do without grinding out a full set of max level gear and spending like 20 minutes regenerating without taking damage.

Oh and could something be done about NPC’s blocking things on pure rng?
I’ve had npcs block while attacking or, get this, block the final hit of one of my grabs. (Players can’t do this!!!)
They also tend to almost always block at some point during a large multihit attack.
It makes the already incredibly tanky foes even slower to kill and makes their healthpools more of a suggestion than a concrete measure of your progess in the fight.
It also completely fails to follow any of the rules we players have, as it takes zero commitment to do, can’t be punished or predicted, and just works like a passive.

Not sure if this wall of text makes super sense or if my argument are rock solid, but maybe it’ll encourage healthy discussion about the state of this games damage and health numbers, not just in PvP, but in PvE too.

PvE is a nightmare if you’re not a mage, everything is too tanky relative to your healthpool (if you’re not a mage. Particularly if you aren’t running a max power/defense build.), bosses are very poorly designed and directionless, vitality should really be removed and it’s health increase fused into strength (spirit weapons can go to weapons if need be), no defense should not equal glass cannon.

I think if I had a point I wanted to make with all this it would be that…
Players should have more health overall, ideally shifted into the base pool away from defense.
This should be proportional to how much their given stat build is expected to be trading blows unavoidably.


I spent about 2-3 hours fighting calvus on my berserker (my first file). The lowest i managed to get him was to 450 hp, then he just killed me with his bs walmart divine shower because i decided to use crash on him