Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

i think the trick with calvus is NEVER HIT HIM unless he’s doing an attack which you know is punishable. every other time just run around and don’t die.

it sucks but it works.

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the outcome of the fight is also very fighting style reliant, i was using iron leg when i first fought him and i wasn’t able to gap-close fast enough to punish him at lvl 104

yeah that’s why you stay close

i only had to hide in the hallway once or twice on my first berserker attempt, it’s easier after farming him as mage

if i stay close to him at story lvl i will just fucking die :skull:

close enough for a shot, far away enough to dash away when he starts his big blast/Fucking Onslaught

yeah that is more or less the optimal distance, after fighting him so many times at max lvl the blasts are alright, but his grab move still infuriates me to this day

oh yeah that one sucks, there’s a tiny timeframe where you’re unstunned and can block/parry the blast upwards

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I’m no expert but I’ve killed him like once as a Berserker. I think the trick is the opposite of what you’d think, being aggressive against him is good so long as you’re also being intelligent and understanding when to disengage. Chasing after him lets you make sure you’re in range to hit him during the pillar, and his other attacks are easy to see coming. Only thing you have to worry about is the multiblast randomly firing, which in that case good luck. (Probably just avoid using Crash when you think he’s about to fire).

The biggest issue with chasing him is that his constant tp-ing may end with him on the opposite side of the room with a good amount of time to charge his pillar, so it will deal a much higher amount of damage than usual plus without axe slash you will have no way of fully avoiding the damage. Being agressive also leaves you very vulnerable to his tp slam move, and leaves his AI very prone to using the grab that deals way too much damage (apparently the 300 damage fling can be blocked but only a very small percentege of players would even realize that).
Being intelligent and knowing when to disengage is the basic for berserkers in boss fights imo, but calvus’ kit makes him half-proof to every possible strategy a berserker could possibly have at lvl 100

The only way to kill king calvus on a berserker slot consistently is to be using cannonfist at a high level, even then it’s difficult. At the level you are intended to fight him, using anything except for cannonfist, I would outright say it is impossible.

Berserker’s rushdown playstyle having hardcoded AI counters (i.e. boss AI being intangible to rushdown attacks) is way too much overkill and is incredibly punishing towards close range playstyles. Fighting carina as a berserker was downright ridiculous.

AI being able to block during them casting moves is fine for warriors/conjurers since they don’t have to be within the move AOE in order to damage the boss, however SPECIFICALLY for berserkers, they have to be within that AOE. This is what makes the huge ‘berserker versus boss’ problem. Warlocks do not struggle the same way berserkers do, warlords do not as well, it is because of this underlying blocking issue with regards to AI.

I imagine limited resource fighting styles like cannon and sailor fist must be very fun in scenarios like these, specially if you are stuck at the boss

Had that problem myself

I had to find a server where someone was farming king calvus then hit him with a cannonball at the last second to get kill credit :disappointed:


Welcome to Next Balance Doc Updates with your host Infernoferno

Earth staying the same
After a lot of size changes, yeah this probably won’t be needed. Might be an overnerf if its kept.

Conjurer is nice still
Halve size effectiveness is removed. It seems unfair to have 2 nerfs especially to the part where some magics should succeed at. (Warlord also doesn’t have this halve size effectiveness so why should Conjurer)

Snare becoming unique and cool and wow
Make it less of a combo tool and more of a get away tool. The zoner class should not have a funny combo up close tool.


No metal nerfs? That most picked and used in high tier mage pvp? atleast make the bleed trigger at 33% like other magics.


I remember someone once talking here about double energy cost for heavy magics
Where did that go?

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i once again that i would like to say that imbuement should also make secondary effects of the magic (such as gas cloud spawnage or winds knockback) also apply to the sword. It makes me sad to see those parts of the magic largely ignored : (

also, i think this is the only metal nerf that seems fair. it’ll be balanced out hard due to speed changes and shape changes.

good to see that the snare to ult art self explosion’s dead

Please buff the cold magics. All heat magics have both dot and apply hot temps for self synergy. Only snow can both apply cold temps and benefit. Water can’t apply cold temps and ice can’t benefit from freezing.

I’d love a block input buffer mechanic, it’s annoying when you get stunned/stuck in endlag for just a bit longer than expected (from lag or skill issue), miss the block input, and take full damage from a boss combo
if anyone doesn’t know what input buffer means, it’s basically just being able to input an action during the endlag of another action and have it be used as soon as the endlag is over. I’d like that for block
I might just be bad at the video game though, and I have no idea if this would be broken in pvp (probably would)