Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

When I suggested it here, people said it was too much and used the aura nerf as excuse. It still has the highest power and resistance aura so I don’t see how it’s harsh when it’s the hardest hitting magic and can still reach the 33% trigger

This is why I dont even try to help with balancing :skull::coffin::headstone:

My strategy is pressing x for pulsar
It works every time

Playing warlock especially without thermofist/iron leg, is like playing on insane difficulty

I just m1ed Calvus to death at the intended level and thermo (iron leg wasn’t working because it’s too slow)

I noticed that the change to blocking having it not slow you down anymore was removed.

To keep combat feeling fast paced, How about this:

When you would block for the first time for around 5-10 seconds after you’ve previously blocked, you don’t get slowed down for blocking for 1 or 2 seconds.
The cooldown would start after this duration ends, and landing a parry would remove the cooldown or shorten it to 2 seconds.

For the knock back it should apply, but for the clouds vetex did say that would happen in the future :tm: so idk, but we can try and push for it a little more but we’ll see

Asking just out of curiosity, but that extends to the other types of hazards as well, right? Such as puddles or even the rubble left behind by Glass Magic.

Assuming so, it would be a really cool addition to these types of magics (particularly for hybrid builds).

I would love if you could do that! It should also apply to things like glass rubble, snow piles and puddles since those fit in the criteria as well. Just makes sense for those things to happen, ynkow? And I’ll be fine if it isn’t next update as long as it is soon.


Ice: applies Frozen
Snow/Water: -10% → +20%
Magma: +10% → +20%

Applies Scalded when hit by a heat magic
Magma: applies Petrified (Obsidian coloured)
Wind: -10% → +10% and applies Frostbite (works like the old effect) or Freezing (but this is more boring/uncreative)

Crystallized (thoughts? @Fluect):

Final Hit: +35% → +25%
No longer cleared by any magic, instead they would shatter Crystallized when it’s ready, like Crystal.
Earth/Lightning/Metal/Explosion: +20% → +35% (only after 3 stacks)
(when u get a second magic with crystal, its unique gimmick becomes non-existent)

(would probably need to be higher otherwise it’s still useless)

That’s from the doc.

Corroding is the best status in the game behind bleed and also comes with a longer DoT. Why does it need buffs/freeze (magma especially doesn’t need any buffs or petrify currently). I do agree that water needs better synergies for a catalyst.

Water will now buff heat magics which already have temperature buff, DoT, bleef buff. Heat is getting overtuned. If it goes through, water should also apply scalded when hitting burns, melt, scorch since cold + thermo and heat + sailor do.

Crystal getting +35% as self synergy is a unique design but giving +35% as synergy??? Yes it will be after 3 stacks (stack counter needed if added) but why is it stronger than crystal’s own mechanic. If getting those magics makes the gimmick useless, you can argue that shadow users or people that used water while not using freeze/lightning also make their gimmick useless. Magic choice gives the user freedom. If they pick something that shatters crystal that’s on them. Water users are forced to go freeze/lightning to even have a gimmick.

Acid and Magma are strong and don’t need stuns.

Buff soak/water making it synergise with others while not making heat magics the most versatile magics in the game. Reverse-soak (eg heat DoT + water for scald) could be an idea to make water more useful.

Crystal needs a stack counter. Could make synergies do more shatter damage based on stacks. Eg 1 stack = +5%, 2 stacks = +15%, 3 stacks = +25%. Would be lower than crystal’s 35%, the synergies shouldn’t be stronger than crystal imo. Could lower it if crystallised gets nerfed.


I find particular issue with the fact that while hitting soaked with heat magic will give scalded, it does not benefit a water mage as if your using water your magic will just clear scalded the next time you hit them. It feels like just something to buff heat magics against environment where they will only get hit by soaked when entering water or rain.
Since heat magics apply hot temps they have self synergy from sweating so giving cold magics like water with soaked to take advantage of environment and ice freezing synergy to make it the same as heat synergies are fair. These would be 10% which is the same as sweat synergies but they don’t have dot. Alternatively soaked could just apply cold temps instead of bringing all temps to center.Synergy spreadsheet if anyone needs it.


no fuck off I want to be a warden


pve isn’t really a nightmare if ur not a mage, the other stat paths i’ve gone aside from conjurer, paladin and berserker so far can handle pve just fine ftmp.

i don’t wanna talk about that one pirate captain that did 270+ dmg to me off a synergy

not particularly, the only complaint of poor design i’ve mostly seen from people is the arena terrain destruction, and the multi attack stuff that calvus does on occasion that i’ve personally seen him do

otherwise they have a decent clear direction of how they behave and act ftmp

this isn’t really a good idea as it’ll bring it’s own onset of issues now, alongside removing 4 classes where 3 can exist so far.

beserker, warlock, and warlord instantly become tankier by purely existing while the other non str path builds just get left behind. now having to deal with 3 paths that are tankier than them now

spirit weps shouldn’t really be talked about right now when we know nothing about them. moving them to weps can make sense with the way the weapon path currently is. but as it stands, it doesn’t make sense for the path to have them. weapon path so far has taken the ‘traditional weapon route’ i.e swords, guns, bows, etc.

nothing really pertaining to anything ‘spiritual’ nor a clear understanding if spirit weps will go the traditional meaning or something if used hard enough can be considered as weapon. (a bucket, a pencil , a computer, etc.)

there have been people that suggest spirit weps could be a summon/spirit thing which i like the idea of as well. but we’re gonna have to see what vetex does with it to bring a discussion anywhere outside of hearsay and speculation

but thats the basis of what i means to be a glass cannon though…

you sacrifice/disregard many methods of traditional survivability (defense and or agility in this case) for the most amount of punch possible before you get destroyed yourself (power, atk speed, atk size, intensity, etc).

makes sense but that also means that we’ll have to adjust everything in accordance to that as well. which in a way is what we’re sorta already doing, berserkers are now able to do something with their path and other paths are getting changes of their own to match their ways.

nerfs and buffs in dmg, size, windup, etc. for example and other things in the doc


So, after the updates would you say Intensity would play a major part in builds like Fire Conjurer and etc?

Yay Earth avoids all nerfs, as it should :nod:

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work

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Why would they remove that nerf. It was so good.

No they can’t, their rushdown playstyle is completely ignored by bosses as they cannot use rushdown or their M1 combo versus bosses. Being relegated to short bursts of damage on berserker makes some bosses excruciatingly tedious. The fact that mobs can block during moves makes what is normally a minor inconvenience for other builds into a gigantic problem for berserkers. It is extremely common for them to stun you due to their RNG block mechanics and for you to end up eating a 300+ damage attack.

Fight carina on a berserker and tell me that

This is exactly what is going to happen anyway when vitality becomes useful. There will be 4 paths which are just tankier than everyone else. Vitality in it of itself is a problem. They will all deal similar damage to their counterparts just with added survivability.

Honestly I solo’d carina using shots, shockwaves, and crash as a mobility tool, she’s like, dummy easy.

(I played a little berserker one time but after carina I hated it and deleted the file)

yeah but you’re forgetting the only damage source they have requires them to hurt themselves

Juggernaut knight and paladin will not have this problem especially at later stages in the game