Arcane Reborn sucks sometimes


Surprising. Well, just stay away from the Drinkwater group then, and watch out for anyone or any games associated with the members of it.

@Azlan they are shit talking your game, do something

I’ve changed my mind. It sucks all the time. While it is standing on the shoulders of a giant, giving it the semblance of a quality game, it’s so full of minor bugs and poorly designed systems that it’s nearly unplayable.

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this shit right here chief
it’s true

Damn. I remember AR during the 105 to 120 cap. It was fun back then, for me at least.

Had a whole nemesis and everything.
Edit: Was there a 120 cap? I can’t remember lol.

@SpiritOfGonb racist

Dont make me fucking come over there

sus racist


what the fuck is happening here?

tbh i think the game is getting slowly better, but the community is getting MUCH worse over time.

i remember a dev saying on twitter that they’d never do customs or give out items, but thats the ONLY thing i see on youtube videos.

its always the same people too, i remember theskj’s q&a video saying how the community hates anybody who isn’t an og and i think hes 100% right, its so fucking toxic that its worse than rogue lineage. i sincerely hope the game flops when ao comes out since nobody will be playing ar except for those people