Are bosses this unbalanced all the time?

So it’s not garbage anymore is what you’re saying?

elius is a little shit and even though I managed to beat him one time alone it was only because I had to unleash 1% of my asian tryhard power.

calvus is also kinda annoying since his attack patterns are like never consistent and he lags a lot but lag isn’t necessarily a boss issue, though calvus could be in need of a nerf.

(please just make their arena floors indestructible I BEG YOU VETEX)


It will be a blessing, too bad suggestions are locked behind an application, I would suggest it myself otherwise.

don’t think vetex is planning to remove terrain destruction in boss battles
“destruction is part of the game learn situation awareness”
either way ive only gotten stuck in terrain like 3-4 times in my 400 boss kills, you can even use terrain to your advantage in certain scenarios
vetex should remove terrain regeneration while the boss is still alive though its so disruptive

That is actually a good counter solution if you think about it.

Calvus is just knowing when to attack and block

that’s kinda a massive skill issue though, it’s the last boss that really demands blocking sometimes due to AoE in the 2nd phase

Its so little kids dont cry about game being too hard when they are underleveled and undergeared smashing their head into a boss

just dodge it

what i do for secound boss is just hiding and poping my head off from my cover and hit him one to two times and wait till he stop his skill barage

it takes me around 15-30 minutes of constatnly fighting him this way but it works

Me when I get Elius down to 50 health but he flies off the island and resets (I love these boss arenas)

oh uh yea i don’t think the regen move is very controlled outside of him not being able to spam the move every 2nd move he does so if elius decides to regen as soon as its off cooldown and spam all the hard-to-dodge moves you’re kinda screwed lol

unfortunately the best way to win is to farm 3.5k galleons, buy 20x iron armor sets, and enchant them until you get a set that’s all hard/strong


How many times are you missing your shots, what graphics are you fighting him on, are you even blocking, reading his patterns?, best time to make certain shots and stuff?

If you’re doing non of that then Elius isn’t the problem, you’re just skill issue.

Let’s see, Lag is not the issue, a lot of the time, but that is mainly due to certain player activity below. My graphics in roblox are only set to 3 as well, so render distance/quality is not the best, and have the texture details off on settings. I wait for him to make his jumps, hit him one to two times, per Arrow Barrage/Trident Throw, ever 3rd or so cycle he heals 150, and I have been utilizing blocking, it is more an issue with my own tracking at the moment it feels like, so it is indeed a bit of my own skill that is the issue to a point, but that damn trident throw has absurd tracking. xD

Iris is easy, I don’t count the Ronin as a boss though myself, more of an example of what is to come, a mini if you will.

Fair point.

Too bad!

anybody who fails Elius I will call them skill issue
even if hes harder than Calvus

I think Elius is harder than calvus, funnily enough. Elius is unpredictable, fast, and powerful whereas calvus is just powerful, but much slower and more punishable.