Are magicless people considered disabled?

hello Geto Suguru

But think about it like this: If you’re skyhall-born but have no magic, you’ll be considered as a “defect” and thrown down to the seas

we should do this irl with people in wheelchairs

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as someone who plays mage mostly, it seems kinda, wrong to call the majority of people disabled (assuming most humans in the AU don’t have magic) and also quite stupid because magicless people technically still have magic assuming they learn to train it into strength or weapon skills.

(pretty sure the reason why strength stuff and weapon stuff even can happen is because of aura, which I think is the same energy responsible for magic, though aura in magic form is like, imitating an element I guess)

I’m not even bringing vitality up yet

Aura from what I can tell is imbuing the magic energy from either within yourself or surrounding you into your attacks. Which is why humans are capable of jabbing hard enough to effectively punch someone from a distance and what not.

so technically all humans have magic just some people’s magic decided to be like “hmm I feel pretty woody today” and then became an elemental skill.

Everyone has magic energy it’s just a select few were born with the ability to convert it into an element

okay then this entire thread is dumb and pointless because it’s literally impossible to be “magicless”

As magic energy comes with all living things, you can’t really be magicless outside of just abstaining from using aura or spells


magic racism is not only silly and petty but it’s also fundamentally flawed because nothing is truly without magic energy.

who woulda guessed

If you cant fire mana from your hands, you are not a Magic man therefore less than human

eat my shadow surmounting crescent kick moonlight technique :fire: :fire:

Vetex confirmed that “Magic => Vitality >> Stregnth = Weapons”

And yes, technically speaking both auras and magic/minds are same stuff, aura and or energy.
Aura is just term refered to usage of energy to enchance smth, thermo uses aura, sailor uses aura, weapon aura uses aura. But they can operate without having open mind.
Due to vetex’s wording “Magic” means 2 things.
Magic = magic energy = energy = aura
Magic = element = spell casting = open mind

In current instance, and in most popular one, ‘Magicless’ refer to 2nd variant of definition, a person who cant cast element based magic (But probably still can use Unaligned Magic Circles [enchanting]). But Aura can get you so far…

In this instance magic energy referes to general energy that every living being has, starting from plants, ending with megalodon.

So in conclusion.

“Magicless” term refers to someone who cant control their open-mind/element, as “magic” generaly refers to magic energy, which is just sorta-mana like stuff.

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Ngl if i heard someone say that in the AU id just crush them with my own magic and call them stupid

Like bro stfu not everyone is as fortunate as you dont gotta be an asshole

(It probably makes more sense not to kill them first before giving them a life lesson but who cares im a kooky silly wood mage)

you getting cooked by the first mf that you try to kill

kind of genuinely shocked that people still think wood is bad as a magic but honestly I’m too lazy to try and spread the truth so please keep believing in this silly little lie as I brutally smash you into a pulp while you’re either on fire or covered in sand :hugs:

Not really, they have magic energy like mages, just that they don’t have the same amount of control over it

Since vetex has said that people with magic learn it very early on by themselves, I think pure weapon/fs users are those who don’t possess enough magic energy to actually awaken their magics

But through training either fs or weapons they grow their magic energy and gain small amount of control over it(weapon aura and fs imbuement)

This means they will have enhanced physical prowess due to it and it’s why they are capable of that much power

Warriors, berserkers and warlords

so the magic people are called witches and people go hunting them down to execute them, let face it if our culture got into ao, people would hunt magic users the same way they did in the pocahontas film, they would be hung murdered and killed for witchcraft, then a few years later, we would feel bad and start trying to change, but instead of making everyone equal now, they would just hunt all non magic user and be racist to them, bc of what their ancestors did years ago.

(this is just real life rn)

Yea no seriously keep telling yourself that lie

like we both know it’s false and wood is an extremely good magic you’re just pissy and trying to look bigger than me

(only build wood is objectively mediocre on is conjurer, but so is pretty much every other bleed magic in the game)