Are the people in the One shot pirates with names of the gods actually the gods?

Sorry I fell asleep

Where does it say it only applies to organizations? And English words have multiple definitions in case you didn’t know. It’s also based on Greek lore and according to Greek lore, gods can’t die.

The word “dead” has also been listed 20 times but it never called a god “dead.” Closest thing is calling it “undead”

Oh nice you’re up and at it criticizing every little damn thing that absolutely no one but you would notice.

Bruh it’s just lore stfu with your toxic ass.

Ah look who’s talking? You fucking criticize every forum user on every little thing and you’re calling me toxic for calling you out

I’m not criticizing anything, your dumbass can’t tell a correction between criticism and your salty about how you posted a suggestion that literally had no reason next to it.

Tech said that gods can’t die, but they can be fucked over and become voldermort-like with no physical body, so yeeeh. They can die.
But it’s pretty much death anyways, just like, without being actually dead.

Poseidon is 100% a God. As for the other two, it’s not confirmed they’re Gods, but it is possible.


TECHNICALLY immortality DOES make you invulnerable, but such a definition of “immortality” has fallen out of use. Now, immortality commonly means “unable to die by natural causes”, but it used to literally be invincibility.

Yes but they can all still “die”, they’re still gonna be there forever just not in a physical form

eh alright
not what i was getting at but yeah

The famous toxicity oxymoron. Haven’t seen this one since DoubleRun.

I’m really tired of him tho, he’s literally like DoubleRun 2, my opinion of him has downgraded from good to a actually a piece of shit, same goes for doublerun

I’m toxic but he’s much more toxic. The first response I got for simply asking “why” was a rant on why he doesn’t need to provide a reason about his suggestion like everyone else does

(And showing lore points or disagreeing Isn’t toxic)

If he’s so toxic. Flag him till he gets suspended just like Pip_Zog. Can’t? Then he isn’t toxic by the interpretation of the forum mods.a.k.a the only ones whose opinion on forum toxicity actually matters.

I am begging you not to do that

But hey, it’s just a suggestion :eye: I don’t think Level is toxic, but if you think he’s actively trolling, then go for it bruh.

I don’t think he’s trolling he’s just an idiot, and I’m not trolling I’m trying to make actual suggestions and be part of the forums, I don’t wanna be suspended again cause I’ll prob get banned right after

Sorry for asking but who is this ?

He did some guides and stuff I think and then he started to become an asshole, I don’t remember if he’s banned or not

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The fall of the king