Are there any advantages to not having magic?

Vetex has confirmed that pure fighters and weapon users will never be capable of reaching the same level as the top magic users, so I wanted to know if there was any benefit to being magicless at all. I’m already pretty much certain the answer is no, so if you want to just say your ideas or theories on what possible benefit there could be to having no magic, I’d still like to hear them

Nobody will accuse you of using a meta build.

… oh, you mean in-universe? Uhhhhhh, you’re unassuming and maybe less likely to be assassinated???


Congrats on most realistic answer :clap: :clap: :clap:

high lvl non magic players are just gigachads ngl (visually)


you can sneak up on people to assassinate them or take them by surprise since you have no magic energy to detect

Actually, due to Aura—aka: the magic that everyone has—you probably would still be detected if you’re powerful enough.


you’d still probably have only around as much as or less than the average civilian tho

Aura scales based on total power, so it may actually still scale if you’re just really bloody strong. Not sure.

Mages are just better and can do basic combat anyway. You just punch, rush, swing and grab

mages are the worst no skill most overused class in the game


As warrior you just swing your weapon. As berserker you just punch. Mage actually has to use magic energy in certain way to pull off spells like surge, pulsar or javelin

as a wind conjurer no one will accuse me ya

berserkers also use magic energy for crash, smash, rush, shot, etc.

Yeah but in theory mages can do same just weaker due to no strenght

Peacekeeper won’t oneshot you with Absorption curse.

Not really good in lore but cant absorption curse absorb your entire magic energy and kill you this way?

Yea something like that, or just keep you staying still and kill you with the other stuff they have atleast

they can still absorb your physical stamina, that’s how the absorption curse can take other curses

here is a cursed take:
you can make a army of non-magic users wayy easier
as for some reason most people can’t use magic?

but yea sure the top tier magic users can kill any non-magic users
but how about a army of idk a whole towns worth? of 200 top tier fighters?

Reject using pissy boy magic shits embrace the limbs and weaponry the gods have given you.