Are there any advantages to not having magic?

Frieren only conceals her mana and what others can sense from her, it doesnt actually lower her damage output. Power slider only reduces the power output, but doesnt mention anything with concealing. Apprently there is a way to conceal with sensing, though I’d need to look for the stream that mentions it. :sweat_smile:

yeah ik i just have to make a allusion to literally everything i know or else i suffer a excruciatinly painful death

Kinda late to this but only the strongest wizards (like theos) live up to that long.
Magic users are lucky if they reach 400 :nerd_face:


Despite your meta mage builds you still lost to a weapon monkey like me

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Ok so while reading this thread i got an idea to level at least weapon users with mages. So imagine a small ass island with nothing but a cave entrance, which leads to an EXTREMELY massive cave system that has multiple paths and spans across an entire sea possibly, as well as going extremely deep, the deeper you go the harder it gets. So, around the very far end reaches there exists some kind of undiscovered ore guarded by some kind of monster /s, the ore could be used to either make a weapon or imbue it into already existing weapons. Also i guess you could make the monsters drop they’re soul or something to consume/ imbue it to your fighting style for a bonus / improvement


I was waiting for someone to comment a really interesting idea like this

It is went so far, that magicless people started to worship some magic users.

Because we are simply better

But there are gods, demigods, curse users which are simply better than common mages)))

Mages when you let them cook: Glassy balls :woozy_face:

no time practicing magik = more time practicing your other arts

Maybe… their life is more peaceful? Like, magic users are adventurers, soldiers, pirates and etc. If you are magicless, then you don’t have all of that, so you don’t have to worry that you are killing someone or can be killed by someone. But on the other hand, if some magic user will try to rob you or attack your settlement, then you are going to die.

Anyway they are still have more peaceful life. Their average life-lenght is longer, cuz many magic users die young and only few manage to pass normal human’s life treshold (cuz of very risky life).

-The sea is referred to as The War Seas

You are saying that just like if all kingdoms are in war with eachother every second. Order’s influence slow down processes of starting wars, even Calvus told you about that in other words before dying.

Plus, don’t forget that almost all, if not all people in The War Seas are magic users. So this topic is pointless from the start. It is got a point for ravaged Seven Seas.

Well yeah, everyone is a magic user, so that’s kind of a mute point. The only difference is that some people can’t cast spells

They are not magicless. Their magic just can’t imitate any element, so they use weapons or their hands to turn their magic into pure energy. (That’s my theory)

…That’s what I was referring to, plus that’s already a thing in lore. What do you think aura is?

I don’t know. Nothing said about it in lore document, probably another shit from side dialogue somewhere on the edge of the Bronze Sea.

It’s in the main storyline. Did you skip over the dialogue during your awakening?