Are there any advantages to not having magic?

At least you’re more sensible than the other wannable gandalfs :roll_eyes:

what we do know though, is that they deal dmg to yourself using them, and currently we dont know how much dmg they do, so its ? dmg vs -?% dmg so unless you deal higher dmg than that percent, you technically deal more dmg to thyself

I’d assume you’d get some kind of good compensation for actively harming yourself since in-lore, I’m pretty sure stuff like that is more powerful (correct me if I’m wrong)

spirit weapons are less than, or equal to magic, and magic has none of the drawback spirit weapons do (excluding ending the world).

Well we have way more health + we’re cooler so erm cope

And on top of that, didn’t spirit weapons literally lead into magic? like wasn’t magic casted from the soul a vitality related thing?

we’re literally your ancestors lol

While magic originally was casted from the soul, there is nothing indicating that spirit weapons led to the creation of magic circles

The mages and vitalibros are arguing
but the 'zerkers know we’re on top

me punch ooga booga
berserker main forever


why are we calling warriors worse than wardens and mages?

like… warriors can just make a weapon that kills us bro.

cause vetex decided to make magic #1

but like punching at hyperspeed causing flames to erupt and manifesting a flying air slash with your katana… are also magical…

by this logic oppenheimer was the greatest warrior to ever live

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Think of it like this, everyone uses magical energy it’s just that mages (who rely solely on magic) have the most magic energy out of everyone. There’s also the fact there is a limit to how far you can strength your body

Nuke draw: atomic wind!

Is this AI

No, he’s just very racist

Probably forgot, sorry.

Well, pretty logical even without ingame dialogues.

Oh damn. I remember the topic where I was talking about smth like that (about Argos or smth) and many users ended up at the point that there is almostly no magicless people in The War Seas. Probably I got misinformed by that memory and then later Vetex denied it somewhere.

Now I am fully confused. If only there was a list with all AO related lore-facts…

Is that a challenge? :eyes:


Imagine being racist towards people who actually put in the effort to obtain strength.

Bro… you’re fodder :joy: