Are there any advantages to not having magic?

Physical strength has limit
Magic, THEORETICLY, does not.

So think again who puts more effort into getting stronger. Someone who can just do his stuff and get stronger passively, or one who needs to researche the aspect of their craft, finding ancient spells and magics, actively altering their body with power and spells.

strength people are way better at moving around i guess? not like magic users can’t also learn to move around really good

Yes I skipped it all and I have finished the game five times. Ain’t nothing wrong with that :person_shrugging:

It’s because we have a limit that we push through and we do use magic we just don’t make it our whole personality. :moyai:

First mind represent one’s personality
Second mind represent dreams and goals
While Third our likes or dislikes

this is going off of the webcomic so take this with a pinch of salt. juniper frequently used her shadow magic earlier into the story to cloak her magic energy so people can’t sense her, the big 3-year timeskip addresses this

If that was the case then mage players would have dirt as their first mind :rofl:

earth/sand mages:

Yeah, this was a concept with Shadow magic back then, idk if it still applies now. I was thinking more like… in general. Maybe Shadow can just do cloakig better than others, but theoretically, everyone can do it?

That sounds really cool and would add more variety to magics like shadow is stealth and maybe metal is armor it can be similar to how dodge reflexes work…

That’s not you putting in any effort dumbass that’s you reading shit and adding it to yourself

There is literally nothing inspiring or cool about that, unlike berserkers and warriors who actually do practice and work hard to become strong

Like literally all a mage theoretically needs to do is just sit his ass down and read scrolls all day to become strong, where’s the effort in that?

Okay to be fair a warden isn’t much different but we actually hurt ourselves to use our skills so in a backwards sense we also put in more effort than mages


You live for less time if you want to just get it over with :person_shrugging:


The most optimistic Arcane Odyssey player:

you arent the only one hurting yourself to use your skills

Why is the specimen acting like vitality users can’t use vatrachos gear? we’ll be even stronger than before :japanese_ogre:

Achieve peak self-harm efficiency

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if you don’t take 90% of your HP every time you attack to deal 1,000,000 damage, you’re not playing right

wardens will lose 90% of their health in one attack and still have more hp left than you


Pvp tryhards trying to kill a warden with high defense:


use paintites