Armor Loadouts

Armor Loadouts
effort 3.8 10 quality 4.4 10 reasonability 4.9 10

I swear, what’s with people jumping into the most common-sense QoL suggestions ever and then making the most outrageous bullshit excuses to why they shouldn’t be implemented.

Isn’t the whole point of your suggestion to make it simple to change into something if you wanted to do non-combat stuff.

So like if you wanted to go diving, wear the diving set.
The part we are talking about is where PvP could be affected when people changing into runner gear.

I’m saying implement it, but make it not work during combat.
On the other hand, your saying to make it work during combat, which allows for running.
This is the part where we disagree.

I expect people who are good at this game’s combat to be able to make split second decisions and interpret what their opponent is doing while they do it.

I’m absolutely not saying to make it fully work in combat, that’d be stupid.
I’m saying to give people a chance to switch out of their 0 useful combat stat/gem build into something that can actually fight back.


Let’s just agree to disagree lol.
This conversation won’t end otherwise.
Or we could just make a community poll and let them decide IG.
BTW if running is supposed to be a mechanic, can you explain why anti-running measures such as dash exhaustion got added?

YES. Would be amazingly useful. It just shouldn’t be able to be used in combat cough cough.

You can make a poll by editing the suggestion e.e

Just uh… Yes

so that running is more based on your running “skill” (I know it’s not really skill and it’s mainly the other persons tracking skill but shh) and not just “I have 260 agility so you can’t catch me” and you actually have to do other things if you don’t want to fight someone.

On the actutal post:
absolutely yes, and while I think there should be a limiter in combat, it shouldn’t be completely disabled, because then it would be a 60 second timer if they hit you which promotes ambushes on people without their combat set on. and yes you should, as a bounty hunter, know how to notice someone changing loadouts.

Already planned.

i think this was a gamepass idea or smt?

Yea, it is one.

Looking at the argument about whether or not you can change outfits mid-combat, you could always make it so that the sets change automatically based on the situation- so if you enter combat the game automatically swaps to the set you designate for fighting (or otherwise gives you a hotkey prompt to allow this) that you must answer within the first few seconds of it showing up or lose the opportunity to switch. When you exit combat, you once again get a prompt of if you want to switch back. It might not be a good idea, but it’s an idea.

would be much better if it would be free feature

yes i love this suggestion

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I luhhh putting critical basic video game features behind a paywall :fire:

Whatever I guess, I could live with it being paid once the search bar gets added


this is already on the monetization ideas but i mostly replied for the argument with the changing while in combat. You are already banned from changing gear mid combat, how have you not seen it?