Armor Loadouts

Armor Loadouts
effort 3.8 10 quality 4.4 10 reasonability 4.9 10

With the recent implementation of jewelcrafting, armor sets can now be much more specialized towards non-combat benefits like longer underwater breathing or climbing faster.

To compliment this and incentivize players to invest in more than just one set of specialized equipment, loadouts would allow people to switch to several different armor/vanity builds in a single click.

I feel like there should be between 3 and 5 loadout slots displayed somewhere in the inventory.
Clicking on any of these slots would allow you to equip completely different sets of armor and their matching vanity easily.

This mechanic would hopefully also allow players to skip the, for some, agonizingly long inventory loading times as the game would hopefully prioritize loading in items that are part of your loadouts before anything else.


me when basic ass mechanic gets suggested because we dont have it for some reason. boat despawning when

to be fair, before jewelcrafting, this didn’t matter nearly as much and you could absolutely get away with just one set of gear for everything.

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This is already on “Monetization Ideas” on the Trello tough

fair enough but what we actually need is a god damn search bar already


what we really need is a way to knock the loading priority of the 12490 items we don’t care about below the 50 we do so we don’t have to wait for ALL OF THAT to load before we can see anything useful.

what do you mean I can’t give Reasonability 6 stars

Even without Jewelcrafting, I think it’s baffling how there isn’t already a system like this. I think armor presets should be have a few slots available to everybody and then a couple more in a gamepass, like vanity equips.

oh and loading priority would be nice. I vastly prefer the lag spike that WoM gave you when opening your inventory compared to waiting for up to minutes just to change one item in your stat equips.

imagine how much faster the items you want would load if all common tier armor and accessories were the last things to load in.

aswell as items vastly below your level.

Make it so you can’t change load outs in combat
(don’t want people using my VoxlBlade set changing playstyle)

What if somebody’s using their underwater diving loadout or their climbing loadout and get jumped by somebody using a meta min-maxed build with a perfect matching armor set?
They’ll be at a massive disadvantage.

Then what if someone changes their set to a 9k HP in the middle of a fight for the extra HP regen and switches back to doing 1k dmg? (numbers are off, but the point remains)

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ok what if you lose the ability to change your loadout during combat 10 seconds after you receive the combat tag.

Rankers changing their gear to 9000 agility

In that case, limit the load outs to 2

hell no.
atleast 3.

one for land travel and climbing.
one for diving.
and one for combat.

If people will be able to do it during combat Im gonna make my own arcane odyssey and call it Bizzare Adventures

one for running
one for healing
one for damage

then you catch up to them and they lose the ability to change to combat gear so they’re fucked.

easy hunt ngl.

they could change it within the 10 seconds

these are some really bad arguments.
10 seconds is not very long.
its long enough that if you’re using your agility armor you can make distance and then change to combat gear but not long enough that you’re going to be able to do

this bullshit.