that’s why I’m proposing an ap rework to not make that useless
no one beats my 3k hp and 200 regeneration build (except armor piercing, please remove it D: )
no insanity either
taking that out of context rq
mfw when im using 200 ap so my enemy cant block and then they parry instead
AP is so irredeemable its sad
hey wait a second
i made that one
chat i made it into a hyperspace rant lets go
mine has 500 more defense and no insanity but has 20 less power and 30 less attack size. seems worth it as insanity is detrimental sometimes
what if at high armor piercing threshold (like agility) attacks could gain the ability to pierce objects like cannon?
i also hate resistance and regeneration. fuck these stats
resistance is lowkey good tho
Tf you mean? Regen is a meta stat rn
100 Regen is +3.375 HP per second in combat, that’s a 34% boost
this is the armor piercing hate thread get these regeneration and resistance discussions outta here
ye u rite im sorry. i just wanted to project my hate on other stats i never use and also cause im bias
armour piercing is bad!!1!1!1!
then come raid Fort Castrum with me (I just wanna see what it’s like man nobody does it…)
yes because you are supposed to kill things and not leave them at 0.01% hp