Armor Piercing stat will be a failure

We can straight up put every side stat into intensity

You are already dead.


Why does this even exist? All it does is throw the already complicated system out of balance. Regen and resistance are good ideas since they apply to broad strokes of the game. (Although resistance could just be paired with defense to a degree). Please get rid of this awful stat all it does is fuck with people already doing a niche build and will drive those builds to extinction.


Ngl, high defense mages are actually relatively common.

methinks AP will just be a secondary stat everyone, or some people decide to run and Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t be as awful as everyone thinks it will be

Imagine AP just removes blocking and defense stat from the game and forces a pure power meta.
Itā€™d be funny!!!

but it wonā€™t

Iā€™m not saying it will, Iā€™m just saying itā€™d be funny if it did.
This place would catch fire and explode.

ngl, I almost never see people use blocking, mostly dodging.

parrying is occasional though, but I donā€™t think AP can penetrate that.

now that I think about it as I type, I feel as if blocking as a whole should be reworked.

rightā€¦regen and resistance provides benefits to the user

armor piercing actively screws other builds in an RPS manner

Iā€™ve had this thought for a while.
blocking/parrying honestly feels really out of place in the way its implemented in this game.

Itā€™s nice to see my thoughts arenā€™t too alien haha

maybe if we made it so blocks worked like free parries but with a lengthy cooldown period between them, that could help slide into the AO world better.

(that way it feels strategic and rewarding while not being something abusable)

Donā€™t see any issue with blocking. I like it, I use it, I mastered it. As Vitality, I must live longer. And sadly, Vetex confirmed block wonā€™t be moved from G to F

It doesnā€™t help that blocking and parrying can be delayed or just straight up not work sometimes. I think vetexā€™s time would be better spent fixing intensity and patching and improving HOW blocking functions rather than bitchslapping it

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Its mostly that this gameā€™s combat is centered around long ranged fast moving big AoE attacks while we jump around at mach 3 when most games that have similar blocking/parrying mechanics are the EXACT opposite of that.

I lack blocking skill in close-combat games, mainly master dodging. And exactly because AO is mainly ranged, I can use blocks

yea but point being that AO could hardly be further away from the vast majority of games that use this kind of block/parry mechanic so it feels out of place here lol.

Armor piercing: the 80k HP Calvus farming technique

Ok so shall we just sit here and let people with high defense walk all over us? He gave them both a counter and a counter to the counter. Everyone in here ignoring both Resistance and Regen like their life depends on it. Not to mention, didja think about how he is probably creating a way to actually harm upcoming Vit builds? No amount of power gives you the ability to beat high defense users easily, so now we have a way to deal damage while sacrificing total dps. Not only is he creating counters, heā€™s trying to give us more stats to distribute into so we arenā€™t just Power monsters or walking mounds of hp. You now have more to think about. This wonā€™t be a failure at all, and I quite like that heā€™s adding more stats to try and bring balance. Even if it needs tweaking. I also feel like I should mention Blocking gems exist that could allow you to completely mitigate damage. So this stat will be beyond useful, as will regen and Resistance.

or you could like, hit them lol
defense and pow counter / cancel out each other