Artifact Collections ~ A Treasure Chart Revamp Idea

Artifact Collections ~ A Treasure Chart Revamp Idea
effort 4.976190476190476 42 quality 4.953488372093023 43 reasonability 4.880952380952381 42

Not to toot my own horn but I did uhhh, make sure the sash would fit around a player model well.


thatā€™s awesome

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can i eat the sash though?

oh and eliusā€™s set makes the bandit look like a bodybuilder. why is he so THIN HES HOLDING ARMOR AND WEAPONRY AND MOVING AT LIGHTNING SPEED WHILE YOU FIGHT HIM, HE SHOULD BE JACKED.

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i know that trying to actually alter the pre-made body packages from roblox would be hellish but oh my god no one is wearing these without some sort of regret

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sorcerer uses the same package as wizard set and i have the full thing on all 3 of my main files

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youā€™re just gonna let your shoulders be consumed by the abyss like that?

in all seriousness iā€™m going off topic, i should shut up and turn this into my own rant or something

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One thing Iā€™d like to add is that since this IS a pirate game, we should absolutely be able to find artifacts underwater but they should be unique between the land and sea artifacts.

IE: A sea monster trophy found deep underwater that once belonged to a renowned hunter from Redwake who went missing at sea. (Shipwrecks)

A small marble figurine from a civilization long past (Ruins)

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Possibly one of the best suggestions Iā€™ve seen in a while

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If sea charts had some way to find sunken treasure, or something of that line then sure! I would love an expansion of more than just rewards- sending us on epic journeys from island to island, under the sea to find the most hidden of treasures.

But for now, I didnā€™t want to recreate the current problem- which is that diving & ship hunting are just faster and more efficient ways to get treasure then treasure hunting. The two unique gems certainly helped treasure charts! But we can go farther to make each activity stand out.

Donā€™t forget that sealed chests DO spawn down there.
Heck this could even be a whole ghost ship thing.

Also yea I wouldnā€™t want the artifacts from diving to negate the value from the artifacts from treasure charts so naturally there would be different artifacts to find from different activities.

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icl, i just read this and i honestly think this should be the standard of suggestions. i do not want to see long ass paragraph explaining why this must be added without adding mockups, anywho, this suggestion is PROBABLY the best I seen lately.


i dont care about vanity
also im pretty sure my (wanted) armor combo is already good enough

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I personally donā€™t care too much for this,but you put alot of effort into :+1:

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Please continue cooking. This is a very good suggestion in all areas.


Just perfect suggestion : D

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As someone who plays the game primarily for exploration and lore, take my vote.

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Fun Fact: It is scientifically impossible for Crimson to not create an amazing suggestion.


Oh shoot, the suggestions god himself approves!

Maybe this ones got a chance. And in the spirit of keeping it alive but not spam bumping it- anyone got any requests they would like to see? NPC Dialouge with the collector, mayyyyybe a model or two? (Was thinking a redwake related set?)

pretty good, canā€™t believe I missed it 3 days ago.

anyways canā€™t wait for when vetex completely ignores it just like the sea monster bounty suggestion, which as you know Is The Most Voted Suggestion On The Platform