Aster (OC)

notice how “go cook some food” and “find a hobby” are seperated

anyways, im not going to interact with the disgusting piece of shit that disguises itself as one of my favorite foods anymore.

Blablablabal, take this.
I drew you as the virgin and Me as the CHAD!

Ok, chad. I must say I feel extermely sad now, your art changed my life.

you’re just being a fucking jerk brah, this isn’t your forum nor a contest. People are allowed to post their arts, no matter what unless its obviously nsfw. You shouldn’t be putting limits on people creativity or telling them what to do, they are a completly different person, not a extension of you or someone thats only here to please you.

There’s a major difference between constructive feedback and just being a dick head, you shouldn’t be saying this kind of thing to artists (people who can actually draw unlike you?) on a roblox forum, you just come off as completly rude and unlikeable, im glad i dont see you here often. Let people enjoy the art here and quit stirring up unnecessary drama man, we aren’t there.

Take a walk outside, breath up some fresh air, its realy not that complicated to not be toxic on a forum bro… You could have at least made the effort to not come off as rude.


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wouldnt advise further replies, the thing is almost for sure just trying to rile up drama, just let rule 4 strike em down.

You’re right

I agree, and I didn’t put any fucking limits, I just expressed my personal opinion.

Now you were the one stirring the drama up my lad, if not you I’d do something better for now.

I spent the past week outside, thanks. Why should I try to not come off as rude? Is the forum a big part of my life? Is AO a big part of my life? No and no. I visit the forum rarely and usually to write a suggestion, and AO is mid for now to the point where I play more Starscape than AO.

Insane how a fake limbus company OC caused this lmao


Ratio ig ,end of debate

does Aster have any particular magic or does Aster just use darkk sea pollution as energy to create blasts?

She has a curse, an artificial one, although it is not specificed

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@Misinput i have a feeling this needs to be closed.

Garlic caused too much chaos here over a silly little OC drawing.

it’s calmed down, for now

unless someone else tries to start something stupid

what is it with bread and making half bait half genuine things all the time :grey_question:

What does he/she think of Martin?

I can feel you’re cooking something amazing

I’d do a better job staying in one piece doing just that compared to whatever you’re going through rn

This place literally got turned into

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