Atlantean Invasion - Island Status List

in that case
Nah, he’d win.

cut to shot of player facedown in water

Don’t worry, he’s just a sailor fist user recharging his bar

i wonder how cracked out sailorfist builds are gonna be if they have to use the poisoned water

speedrunning mutations with that exposure
not to mention internal body damage from POISONOUS water, it would likely give you a pretty major power boost in contrast to regular seawater though

small price to pay for more dps

btw what is up with the the Myriad?

Randel is probably letting people stay, and perhaps letting em read books to search for a cure

forgot to mention that curse users like him who have fully embraced nonhuman forms are immune (obviously, i cant imagine how a tree could mutate)

I don’t think the cold has ever stopped an Atlantean in game.

yeaaaaa i can think of a few dozen ways
(trees are nightmare fuel if you really think about it)

just think of this: a half-dead but not truly dead man forced to watch as his caring form be taken apart and forced into the hull of the ship to
feel every one of the waves, every chip, every coral-like growth that eats away his very soul
with the only peace being sunken by the very people he should have helped

(also Atlanteans are just from pirates of the Caribbean change my mind)

Vetex say that Atlantean is inspired by Dutchman crew from the pirate of the carribean

I feel like Mount Othrys will be protected by Poseidon

poseidon is dead, or sleeping forever (according to him)

Guys let’s raid Ravenna it will be fun trust me

what about elusyim status or is it canon that characters dont know about possibly

I don’t really think Elysium counts since it like… doesn’t exist on the same plane of reality as the warseas do

also I’m pretty sure any atlantean that tried to even set foot there would get obliterated since apparently all of the greats and heroes and legends of the seas go to rest there after death

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makes sense

Question regarding Frostmill Island:

Couldn’t they get it moving around as a sort of mobile survivor’s fortress?

I mean, the thing’s literally “A massive iceberg that has drifted around the War Seas for centuries.” My brain envisions a massive sail apparatus built on the sides and top of the berg, and a much larger settlement carved into the ice to take in survivors they manage to find.

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That’s fire :fire:

In my mind Frostmill was literally split into smaller chunks of land, big enough for a pretty sizable group of people to inhabit, so these smaller pieces would actually be more mobile than the entire island if it was still whole

The raging ocean too helps with its mobility

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atlanteans inhabit most of the broken chunks