Atlantean Invasion - Island Status List

Even better. A mobile colony, split into pieces with bridges connecting all of them.
Peak apocalyptic mobile base design.

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Nimbus Sea Islands Status (will be updated):

Forest of Masts - Low-Moderate Atlantean presence due to it already being uninhabited and a wasteland of ships.

Claw Island - Low Atlantean presence because its small and uninhabited.

Shale Reef - Low Atlantean presence thanks to it’s remoteness and being uninhabited.

Drakos Arch - Low Atlantean presence for the same reason as Shale Reef.

Port Mistral - High Atlantean presence assuming it wasnt destroyed by Keraxe.

Sameria - High Atlantean presence. Parts of the island would be destroyed but I think that the military forces of Sameria would manage to fend them off better than Ravenna.

Shieldguard - No Atlantean Presence. They have enough manpower and military force to fend of even higher lvl Atlanteans and would likely do better than Silverhold.

Markinaos - Unknown. This is a weird case because it can go either way. Either the Assassins successfully fend off the Atlanteans from Dead Halls, or the Atlanteans are attracted to Chaos Energy from the Abyss of Charon and overrun the Assassins. It is likely though that the Banished King is awakened and possessed by Chaos, eradicates any Atlantean that stumbles across him. OR another possibility, the Atlanteans being repelled due to the ‘pit’ that the player cant enter which is theorized to lead to Hell.

Skyhall - TBA

New list posted Here


I love this AU with my heart and soul

Rq I think Blasted Rock would have zero Atlantean presence bc Vetex said that King Octavious Caesar will be revived due to an Experimental Curse being airdropped into him. So I personally think if this happened then any Atlantean that stepped foot on the island would be shredded by Octavious.

Morock, Theos and Cursebeard guarding the entrance ready to clap any Atlantean that dares go through: Menacing

oh and don’t forget Duzeron if he ends up going there

I put together a story on the Port Mistral raid