bro pls stop making such a big deal over a name
You can’t do anything about that really, that’s why everytime someone asks me to help em with Elius I just tell them to go buy and enchant iron armor, that works 90% of the time
i just think it’s a bad name, that’s all
Can we instead discuss the implications of the meta this could bring instead of arguing about what people call it?
God this is insane, it’s a naming convention, you can make statism and fight against stat segregation, but do it in silence
i dont see how this will change the meta much
for defense its like 14 extra defense so thats not too much
and for the other stats it does make a big diff but it also helps with diversity so i see this as a good buff
still doubt people will use the modifier much for substats
I could care less if people call it a stat or a sub stat (I’m only going to call it stat since by now the stats should be equal in usability)
Armor stats already are kinda bloated in this meta, and we’re barely 1/8th into the game as of its level cap, so I’m really iffy on giving a modifier a boost so it’s essentially a second exotic scroll on armor
a second exotic enchant on armor with a catch that makes you practically have to either use warding potions constantly, or run virtuous
Secondary stats usually get a focus in armor builds, mainly agility in this one, and not usually a small amount either
A catch of… a slight annoyance every few seconds
It’s like if a person got something that made them very strong but now they got a fly going in circles around their head
power and defense are still more important in most builds and i doubt that will change
sure if youre only running 1 or 2 atlantean pieces i can understand seeing insanity as only a slight annoyance. But insanity 3 or higher literally requires you to use warding if you want to play normally
if they give it a boost, every single other method of getting stats needs a nerf
bro what
Most people run 1-2 Atlantean essences on builds already from what I’ve seen
And I’m pretty sure insanity 2 is just text boxes in the lower screen so it’s a possibility that people just run 2 with a bunch of other exotic scrolls and just ignore it, effectively giving them like 7 exotic scrolls worth of stuff
ive seen the exact opposite so far but i can see why you think the modifier to be too op when only 1-2 are being used. Maybe the stats the modifier gives can be based on the amount of total insanity you have
imagine how ABSURD the powercreep/stat bloat will be the next few updates if we’re already at a stat total average of like 500 at level 125
vetex already said that thats a problem he will fix once it actually becomes a problem
Yeah if the stats were smaller for having smaller amounts of atlantean, but bigger at higher insanity amounts, i’d be okay with it since then you have to run warding alongside it as insanity at that point can become an issue
someone considered doing that i think, you can probably ask a friend to go along, hit some atlanthean and let them kill it for you to get the exp ( i have no idea if they even give exp tbh )