Audience pvp discussion

@key you have some explaining to do or else I’m going to lock you inside the one door you’re tasked to unlock.



On me interrupting fights:
First, I thought we were fighting one on one, not with your friends.

Also, I never did interrupt any fights, all I did was attack people that were doing literally nothing(I came to fight and watching people just standing around and talking is boring)

What I DID do was attack literally everyone that wasn’t in a 1v1 on the arena. I didn’t interrupt fights, xd.

If you were annoyed that I was trying to actually have a battle instead of sitting around in the spectator stand then I guess that’s on you. Maybe I was rude, but I hate idle chatter, ESPECIALLY WHEN I WAS EXPECTING PEOPLE TO BE FIGHTING(it’s munera garden).

I mean I would willingly

Strangely enough I find AO pvp to be quite fun

And I got finessed in the artist hib yesterday so I could learn how to play as a mage even better, it would just take some adjustment is all

although I would attack after the battle is over

Look, I was bored as hell and I wanted to fight as soon as possible. Anyone who has done a 1v1 with me knows that I don’t like spending time talking when I could spend that time fighting, so much so that I don’t even reset after a victory, I just go to the next battle.

My friends were there.

The rest of this is just doubling down on why u were being an idiot

And also, this was just one time, and again:

  1. I expected it to be me and you, not me and your clan mates
  2. Seriously? One experience?
  3. A fight is a fight

Yeah, but your friends were just talking.

Also, I didn’t take you for the type to hold grudges. I’ve already forgotten like 50% of what happened that day, so much so that I forgot that I actually have already fought you before.

how is this an excuse to interrupt 1v1s tho

I’m not saying that I’m in the wrong, but you can’t drag my name through the dirt after I did one bad thing(which was picking fights)

And if I was annoying, you could have told me to stop(which you did, and I did stop)

I didn’t interrupt any 1v1s, I just attacked people that had just finished their 1v1

as for this that’s literally just how I PVP, ask anyone that’s practiced with me before, I don’t believe in waiting for people to regen(it’s just a waste of time, and it’s not like the fight actually matters anyway)

I do the exact same for myself, even if I’m half HP I’d rather fight than reset and wait 3 seconds for another one

I’m impatient, not immature.

also also, I think my impatience was worse that day, I’m not like that all the time.


I’d get annoyed ngl

He had like 7 friends, so I was waiting for 7 fights to end before it was my turn. Sometimes his friends would fight each other over and over which was even more time for me to wait.

Although maybe I’m wrong, I just remember his shadow mage friends repeatedly sparring, which made my impatience dwindle more, and caused me to listen to the voices in my head.

"key… i’m sure NOBODY will mind if you just pick off a few of his friends… just a few of em… "

and it’s not like I was spawn killing them, in fact, I was the one getting spawn killed(his shadow mage friends are really strong, and if I remember correctly I think I was using Thermo Warlord, so I was even worse at pvp)

btw wanna 1v1 or are you still grounded

no AO till june :pensive:

damn, what did you do to have to piss off your mom that much for you to be grounded for so long??

you break a vase or something? XD

blud you need help

“the voices in my head”!??!?! brother are you good??? arcane odyssey players are truly one of a kind