Audience pvp discussion

we aren’t much different from DW and rouge lineage players

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“I just couldn’t control myself… I saw he was below 100 and it just went black. When I woke up, I saw his dead body lifeless in front of me… Help, doc! I can’t control myself!”

“must… not… gank…”

“must… resist… renown…”

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i will never engage in conversation in this forum ever again

wait no it was just a prank

gah damn :skull:

key scaring off the newcomers

Uh no it was only Shadow Mage (he has a name; it’s lario) and the other Lightning Conjurer

I remember another shadow mage and one other dude that I can’t remember(ice conjuror or something)

so it was like 4 other dudes you brought with you

did this REALLY deserve an extra topic…

I like this conversation, and i respect you as much as i hate your playstyle @key
Nothing wrong with impaticence, but most people prefer patience.

you don’t have to respect me, I’m not even that good at PVP

also it’s not a “playstyle” I’d rather fight

I make one mistake and suddenly I’m the bad guy

No i don’t think you get me. I respect you for acting on your instincts and not trying to hide it or make it seem like you were the good guy.
But at the same time i know very well I would be frustrated to be around you, simply because that is how I am.
And I get you don’t want to call it a playstyle, but to me a playstyle is the way we intent to play with a file. I play passivly on my gravy warlord, but happily pick fights as my hero berserker.

If you want to make me your enemy, fine. Is it really a smart move to form an opinion over one persons SINGLE(one) experience though? Whatever, man, you and Hyperions problem.

I am not trying to make you my enemy for gods sake, but I just have very bad personal experience with impatient people, and has had some bad encounters.
So I would avoid making an enemy out of you in the first place.
It is not that i have something against impatient people, no I actually enjoy seeing their conversations a lot, since they make things much more lively, but over time I just get mentally fatigued by impatient people in particular

PS can we just let this end on a good note, I would like to not have you remember me for having something against you, I respect you.

fine, I was already pissed off before this anyway, so it’s alright.

Thank you.
And even though i might have come of as rude, i really do wish you a good day or evening. :slight_smile:

what is this thread bro :skull:

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