Audience pvp discussion

An AO forum thread, that seems to be mostly about ranting. The usual

You know whenever I pvp I always just make up goofy rules with my friends

(These were the times banana wasn’t online so he might not know what I’m talking about)

examples of these include

-Having a massive poison and ash cloud swamp the arena dealing damage to both parties

-battling after eating insanity tier 1-2 food

-guns only. just. guns.

-gunpowder barrels are littered over the arena

-all attacks are at minimum size, with minimum amounts too, so no multiblasts, or multibeams, or whatever else.

and so on

what’s the point of telling us
where’s the follow-up

wdym :eye::eye:

why did you say that

We were talking about playstyles no?



bro’s gonna do a Ballad of Buster Scruggs on Dubious :skull:

Wanna hear some more I haven’t tried yet?


-you have to sing a song in the chat while you fight, before every attack you make, you gotta sing 1 line, if you don’t you automatically lose

-british people (you can only have a dagger)

-naughty audience (the audience is allowed to snipe people with various attacks, but can’t join in and actually battle)

-you can only move via jumping/dashing, polar opposite to the first one on this list.

As you can see, I like making pvp extremely stupid and weird by giving people absurd handicaps :smiley:

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